Aaaagggh! Dimebag shot in C-Bus!!!!

This hits so close to home, because it was so close to home. Gosh, I always hated going to the Al Rosa, I don't know if I can there again.
I've just been thinking about all of the good times I had at Pantera shows:
1993: Megadeth/Pantera/White Zombie, Hara Arena, Dayton (my first pit!!)
1994: Pantera/Sepultura/Biohazard, Hara (maybe the best triple bill ever)
1994: Pantera/Prong, Polaris Amp. Pantera at their prime popularity
1995: w/ Type O, Riverfront, full blown riot, they talk about it in TON's DVD
1997: Ozzfest, Columbus, another riot LOL!!!!!!!!!
1998: w/ Anthrax, my two faves! at The Akron Rhodes Arena
2001: Hara w/ Soulfly
2001: w/ Slayer :) Huntington Civic Center Arena, Huntington, WV
There are not even words for what I feel right now other than sadness. People who do shit like this dont deserve the air they wasted during their time on this planet and if their life is so bad they should kill their self instead of taking it out on others. Ironic is the fact it happened on the same day John Lennon was shot down and in this sick freaks mind it probably played into what happened.

Truly one of the saddest days the metal world has faced in some time. RIP Dimebag...we're going to miss the hell out of ya brother but we will make sure your music lives on in the metal world forever.

It's bong ripping time for sure ...
If Dimebag was here to witness the send off Glasgow gave him tonight he would have been well pleased. My bro and I went to the local rock club and every time they played a PANTERA/DAMAGEPLAN song we downed a few Jagers. We both had tears running down our faces at times but fuck it we loved the mans music and the fact that he was the face of metal for the past few years (plus the unofficial 6th member of the Thrax).
God rest your soul Dimebag .
I'm sure he would have approved, now i just hope the man approves of me bailing to my bed with a spew collectng bucket attached to my head.................................
Anyway respect to Dimebag but i'm now 2 drunk to shit in my own garden...
Thanx for the memories I Don't Die!!!
They will help us in our time of mourning. I am shocked at how some people act towards such a tragic event. Like it was Darrell's fault for doing what he does. Society needs to get off its high horse and get with reality. This world ain't pretty flowers and picket fences. Its filled with H8red, sorrow, and grief at times.....and heavy metal is not the center of it!!! This type of music and lifestyle is what WE like!!! Its what Darrell and the fans that lost there life at that club liked!!! Its not THEIR fault that this ass hole shot them. They were just out to have a goog time. I wish the media would be a bit more focused into what goes on in this world.
I must say though....that I was watching one news broadcast tonight that had nothing bad to say about the metal scene.....and that Darrell was considered a guitar legend!!! That made me feel better about this whole fucked up situation.
Your sounds will live forever!!!
RIP Darrell.....the asshole that shot you got what he deserved!!!!
Born Again Idiot said:
I must say though....that I was watching one news broadcast tonight that had nothing bad to say about the metal scene.....

Honestly right know I think they know better. Theres stupid crap that happens in rock(like the Rhode Island club incident) and it usually involves
someones stupidity but we're talking about someone who is a legend in many peoples eyes and as many confirm was a genuinely good guy who treated people with respect .. I read that day in and out long before today too.
Yeah everyone would be talking about the Rhode Island incident but no one really cared about Great White, what happened here is something that never should of happened. I am still at a loss for words about it -- I was going, "OH HELL NO!" It won't surprise me now if Anthrax pulls out a few Pantera covers to honor their buddy on tour. It would be cool to see Scott actually play Cemetery Gates or Mouth of War, because I think it might be one thing to see them pull it off giving it their own magic.
I still feel like shit. I didnt even know the guy, but I feel like I did. I met Dime once, and he treated me like he was happier that he met me, instead of me meeting him. I still cant believe this has happened. I put one of those remember Dimbag ribbons on my car, and it wont come off for a very long time. Im thinking about ordering the cop(s) that shot that asshole, pizzas or something as a thank you for wasting that useless piece of shit. They better bury him in an unmarked grave because I will shit on it, and smash the headstone. I guess I am in the anger phase of my grieving.

Off to smoke joint number 2.
its hard. Im watchin the vulgar vids now. Been a while since I have seen them. Like Dimebag at the end of the CFH he is on the streets playing with that lil amp chasin people. Funny as hell
The world is truly a darker place this evening. To all of you who were fans, friends or family. My condolences and heart are with you.


Deege, glad to hear you made it. Were here for you bud.
Gunman fires on crowd at rock concert; 5 dead News Staff

A horrific scene unfolded at a nightclub in Columbus, Ohio Wednesday night when a man climbed on stage and started shooting at members of a rock band and into the crowd, killing four people. Police later shot the gunman dead.

Officials say the man was targeting the band Damageplan, whose members were performing on stage when the attack happened. The gunman shot guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott five or six times at point-blank range.

Police released the names of three victims. They say Abbott was killed along with two other men -- Nathan Bray and Erin Halk. A fourth victim has not been identified.

The gunman had a hostage in a headlock and appeared to be preparing to kill him when a police officer who responded to a call for help fired, police spokesman Sgt. Brent Mull said. The hostage escaped uninjured.

"The officer engaged him in gunfire at that point and probably saved numerous lives from his actions," Mull said.

"If the officer wasn't as close as he was, I think this would have been a lot worse,'' he said. "It was a chaotic scene, just a horrific scene.''

The gunman was identified as 25-year-old Nathan Gale who lives in the Marysville area, near Columbus. The motive for the shooting remains unclear, and it's not known whether Gale had any connection to the band.

Darrell Abbott was an original member of the thrash rock group Pantera, a popular heavy metal bands of the early 1990s.

One witness said the gunman was standing about 10 metres away when he saw the man walk onstage followed by a bouncer and a second club employee.

The gunman reportedly climbed onto the stage, where he shot Abbott five or six times at close range. Then he shot a bouncer who pulled him off Abbott. A police spokesman said the gunman then started firing into the crowd.

One of the audience members said she initially thought the shooting was part of the show.

"I just saw the guitarist fall down, and we decided to get out of there," she told the Associated Press.

The deaths shook the heavy-metal music industry, including Ozzy Osbourne, who often toured with Pantera..

"I'm absolutely beside myself with grief. I can't for the life of me understand why someone would do this," said Osbourne.
RoomForOneMore said:
Yeah everyone would be talking about the Rhode Island incident but no one really cared about Great White, what happened here is something that never should of happened. I am still at a loss for words about it -- I was going, "OH HELL NO!" It won't surprise me now if Anthrax pulls out a few Pantera covers to honor their buddy on tour. It would be cool to see Scott actually play Cemetery Gates or Mouth of War, because I think it might be one thing to see them pull it off giving it their own magic.

Difference with GW was it was an accident. I ain't no big fan of GW by any means but one had to feel sad of their guitarist dying in a fire as well as many fans who just liked good music.

This was so different. A man walked right up on stage and fucking murdered Dime right in front of 250+ in that club. Fans are mourning the loss of a great musician as well as the loss of some of their own .. but imagine how the people there are feeling after standing there and seeing this happen right in front of their face. I think right now I'd be somewhere completely freaked.
Vulgar Display of Power was the first metal album I ever owned. That was the gateway album that got me into metal. Without that album I shudder to think what kind of shit I would be listening to. This is the first celebrity\music death that put my stomach in knots and geniunely bummed me out. I could accept the fact if Dime was lost in an unfortunate accident, or if he suffered the consequences of a hard lifestyle, but I cannot accept this. I never will accept it. I can't stop thinking about that fan who was my age. He was there enjoying a night of metal and in an instant he's gone because of a lone psychopath. Please remember to keep the other victims and their families in your thoughts as well.

In case you weren't aware Dave Mustaine is hosting this week's Headbanger's Ball that's dedicated to Dimebag.
:confused: I have a lot of hero's in music. People that changed the face of music. I love a lot of different genres, but metal was always where I started. From Kiss, to Iron Maiden, to Anthrax, to Pantera and beyond to newer acts. I play bass so Gene, Steve Harris, Frank, and Rex were always there. But 2 others were equal to those guys. Scott and Dime were two of my favorite PEOPLE. They were more than musicians, they were also great people and great to the fans who supported them. They always did it thier way and would never conform to the current trend. You always knew when you were hearing Dime play, he had that certain sound that was unmistakable. Stomp 442 was always one of my favorite albums since it combined the best of both worlds for me, Anthrax and Pantera. I still can't believe Dime is gone and I'm so angry that it happened. My thoughts and prayers go out to his friends, family, fans, and especially Vinnie. Shot himself, and having to watch his own brother die, I can't imagine anything worse for someone. I missed Cliff so much when he died, but it was sorrow that something unavoidable took such a great talent. This makes me angry, because it was avoidable and so wrong in every way. I heard one report saying the guy was yelling, blaming Dime for the breakup of Pantera. Coincidentally on the same day the guy who broke up the Beatles was killed by a maniac. Dime never "broke up" the band. And never deserved this. I have heard so many stories of how good a person Darrell was and so this astounds me. I'll stop rambling, but I had to get a bit of my own mourning out that I've been holding in all day. My thoughts to all of you who will miss him. Take care all... I love ya, Dime and I'll play a bit off "Cowboys" tonight to salute ya!
megarock said:
Ironic is the fact it happened on the same day John Lennon was shot down and in this sick freaks mind it probably played into what happened.
I highly doubt that for two reasons:
1. The guy was probably a dumbass and couldn't have put together something like that.
2. The guy was from the Columbus area, and this was the night Damageplan played Columbus.