Aaaagggh! Dimebag shot in C-Bus!!!!

I can't even begin to describe how I feel. Sorrow/Hate/Anger all rolled into one. I remember the day I bought Cowboys From Hell and instantly was telling my friends how awesome this new group Pantera was. I remember the first time I saw Pantera (opening for Skid Row of all bands) and how excited I was before the show and how blown away by how good they were on stage. And most of all, I remember the time I finally got to meet Dime and Vinnie (at Riverfest this last spring, the same show I got to meet Anthrax). I walked up to Dime and told him that it was a dream come true to meet him. The first thing he did was shook my hand like we had known each other for years and then handed me a pick. I will always treasure that moment and the cd I had signed by the guys from DP.

Scott and Charlie, I can't imagine how you guys feel if I feel the way I do. Make a positive out of this. Bring those emotions out and give us Thrax fans another Persistance of Time. It may be hard, but if anyone can do it, I know you can.

RIP Dime, You are among the Gods now.
Howdy everybody -
Well, its my first post here and god damnit if it aint in a thread that fills me with grief and sadness. Part of me has to remain positive though and remember all the good things.
Still, another part of me is filled with rage and confusion.
Such a turbulent time - thank god for the music....
I'm still in shock by this. KNAC was playing Dime nonstop today and Cemetery Gates came on and my eyes just welled up immediately. This guy was such a huge part of all of us. I just feel like I've been hit by a truck.

Charlie called me today and he was just a zombie. He's completly been leveled by this. I didn't know what to say, I just told him I wish I could give him a hug. I wish I could hug everyone. I feel so retarded about all the stupid smack we talk to each other then something like this happens and I realize how I take all of you, the bands, the metal world for granted when nothing has shaped my life more.

The only thing that remotely makes me feel good is just imagining some sort of huge festival on some hot ass summer day where everyone is there and we're all drinking Jagr and Crown, moshing our asses off and screaming our lungs out. Maybe in Heaven someday. Hell'd be fine too. Somehow Dime in Heaven doesn't seem right even though he was a Saint.

I have so many feelings about this guy and his music. He was such an inspiration to us all. Nothing's going to bring him back. But he'll always be in all of us.
i dont know what to say,i am just so sad,we need a dimebag day festival to pay tribute to all those killed that night,how the fuck is vinnie going to cope,let alone hs own father watching his son getting buried!

i play guitar as a hobbie but how should i have the right to play when dime dont have any chance at all,i am just fooling around making riffs but for a guitar god to go i just dont feel i have the right too do it anymore.
gday you all... yeh, my first post too.. and what a shit way to start the season... fuck.
just watched some nbc video feed, and bugger me, aint Phil chubbed up!!

gday to you all...

sad day in metal.. but... You cannot kill what doesnt die...
the family that is metal will always hold its own... even minus one of its legends.
jdelpi said:
1. The guy was probably a dumbass and couldn't have put together something like that.
No probably about it. I think we can confirm the dumbass status.

I guess my saving grace comes right now from working at a radio station. I've been talking to fans on the phone and chat all day and night long .. been on the air non stop for almost 24 hours now and have no plans on stopping now. The effect on the metal community is only starting to come out as even some of my closest friends who are metalheads didn't know about this till I told them. People are on the phones just crying their asses off and one person just kept saying "Please tell me this isn't real...". I sure as hell wish I could. But it's helped me cope by knowing I'm only one of thousands who are mourning this tragedy today.

If one good thing comes out of this I hope it is that all the bickering in the metal community between the artists stops and stops for good. As violent as metal music supposedly is, as many people mosh in the pits and stage dive and as profane as we may get at times something like this has, as far as I know, never happened in Metal before. We lost Bon Scott to drinking, Cliff Burton to a vehicle accident, Randy Rhoads ... all to this date have been accidents ...

\m/ \m/
SDSwami said:
The first thing he did was shook my hand like we had known each other for years and then handed me a pick. I will always treasure that moment

hey, me too when they were touring the vulgar display album in the UK. A real nice guy. Don't know what else to say. It's a real shame. I can't imaging how his family are feeling now, I just hope all the good things people are writing and saying about him help them get through it.

That s such a pity, The problem is that such a thing would have never happen in France for exemple cause i live in Paris and i can tell you that none could come into a concert carrying a gun and coming on stage. Just thanks the NRA for keeping USA an ultra_violent society,you're fuckers!! One more dead in the name of weapons supemacy!! All my support to vinnie and all his family inthis painfull moment, the whole metal world is crying on Dimebag, I hope the slaughter's grave will be pissed on
fuck it from Paris
RIP dimbag, im just glad I got to see Damageplan at donington and got to show my love for em in the pit!
the guy was a demon guitar player and one of my heroes.
My he be reincarnated as a fine whiskey or a tree so he can be made into a kick ass guitar. :headbang:
Even though this is all i've been thinking about since yesterday, i don't think this has really sunk in yet, its just hard to beleive that someone like Dimebag is gone. I spent all of yesterday on the net looking for updated news stories just to see if i could find a reason "WHY!" all of this shit happened.

Anyone see the report on Fox News, with the fan who called in to the show and said how he was holding Dime on stage telling him he was gonna be ok. That was hard to listen to, the guy just broke down and couldnt talk anymore.

Dime was one of my idols, and my favourite guitarist of all time.

Why does this always have to happen to the greats?!

R.I.P Dimebag
Here is a quote from a friend I know in Columbus area....

There is some stuff in the media that is complete @#%$ and needs set straight; 1. it had nothing to do with drugs or violent lyrics 2. Vinnie was not shot 3. metal detectors at Alrosa would not have prevented this, the shooter entered through a door the public cannot enter through, it's a door that leads to a patio that is separated from the parking lot by a 7ft tall solid fence with no gate. it's almost always propped open during shows but you have to climb the fence to the patio to enter through it, if Alrosa had been fully equipped there still would be no metal detector at that door, in fact Alrosa is the only club of it's size where I have ever been pulled aside and patted down. 4. the shirt with the bullet holes on eBay is FAKE and seller should meet the same fate as the shooter 5. the newspapers are for sale all over eBay you can order a reprint straight from The Dispatch by calling 1-614-461-5161 instead of supporting these @#%$ sellers I know you guys wouldn't, but I also know you visit alot of different forums and might pass that along if it comes up.
Thus ends my rant about the media, I'm pretty @#%$ up right now
I didn't post last night because it turns out that my new cable company is even more gay than my old one. Not that I could think of anything to say, anyway...

Last night, the only article I could find locally was the Associated Press one that Justin and I think possibly others linked (there's a LOT to read on this thread). But here's a new one I found this morning (also Associated Press):

Suspect in nightclub shooting liked talking music, played football

Associated Press
Dec. 10, 2004 07:05 AM

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Even at the tattoo parlor, 25-year-old Nathan Gale made people uneasy, staring and locking them into conversations about heavy metal music. But no one pegged the semi-pro football player who psyched himself up before games by piping thrash-rock legends Pantera into his headphones as the type to go on a shooting rampage.

Police say they may never know why Gale charged the stage at a heavy metal show and gunned down four people, including former Pantera guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott, one of metal rock's most revered guitarists.

Some witnesses said Gale began his rampage by yelling out accusations that Abbott broke up Pantera, one of the most popular heavy metal bands of the 1990s. Sgt. Brent Mull said police had not verified those reports. advertisement

"We may never know a motive for this, unless he left a note," Mull said.

Abbott, 38, left Pantera with his brother, drummer Vinnie Paul Abbott, to form the band Damageplan, which had just begun its first song at the club Alrosa Villa on Wednesday night when Gale dodged two band members, grabbed Darrell Abbott and shot him at least five times in the head.

"He grabbed Dimebag with one hand and shot him with the other," said Kevin Minerd, among the 500 people packed into the smoke-filled nightclub to see Abbott's new band.

In less than five minutes, Gale had shot three others, including Erin Halk, 29, a club employee who loaded band equipment; fan Nathan Bray, 23, of nearby Grove City; and Jeff Thompson, 40, a bodyguard for the band.

Two people employed by the band, Chris Paluska and John Brooks, were in Riverside Hospital on Friday morning with Paluska listed in good condition and Brooks in serious condition.

An imposing figure, Gale was on the offensive line for the semi-pro Lima Thunder in northwest Ohio, coach Mark Green said Thursday. Gale listened to Pantera on headphones before games during his one season with the team, Green said.

"You wouldn't look at him and think he was capable of doing something like this," Green said. "It wasn't like he was a loner."

A teammate, James Patterson, 31, said when he last spoke with Gale in October, he was laying sod for a landscaping company in Marysville, where Gale kept an apartment.

"I'm just stunned," Patterson said. "I can't even describe how he could have done something like this."

Gale made workers and customers uneasy at the Bears Den Tattoo Studio in Marysville, 25 miles northwest of Columbus, where he stared at people and forced them into conversations, manager Lucas Bender said.

"He comes in here and likes to hang out when he's not wanted," Bender said. "The most pointless conversations."

A tattoo artist at the studio, Bo Toler, said Gale was at the studio Wednesday between 5 and 6 p.m. Gale asked about having the studio order tattoo equipment for him and Toler said he told him no. Gale then got very angry and started yelling at him, he said.

"Last night was actually the first time I noticed his temper," Toler said on Thursday. "After the argument we had he kind of walked out with an attitude. He didn't even say goodbye."

Gale had red hair cut very close, often wore a winter hat and was always wearing a Columbus Blue Jackets hockey jersey, said Mandi Dellinger, who works at a cell phone store on the same block where Gale lives. Police said Gale was wearing the jersey during the shooting.

Dellinger said she used to say hello to Gale but they never had a conversation. "He seemed like a nice guy. He just seemed shy," Dellinger said.

Gale had several minor run-ins with police since 1997, but wasn't considered a troublemaker, Marysville assistant police chief Glenn Nicol said.

Gale ate two or three times a week at Maggie's Restaurant across an alley from his apartment, waitress Emi Walden said. He would stay to chat after eating and seemed lonely, Walden said.

"There was something odd about him, not like he would be dangerous to you, just something about him that wasn't right," she said.

Gale mentioned he was in the Marines but wouldn't talk specifics, Walden said. Messages left with several military public affairs offices trying to confirm his service were not immediately returned.

No one answered the door Thursday at the Marysville home of Gale's mother, Mary Clark. A message left on her cell phone was not immediately returned.

Despite a drizzle and temperatures in the 40s, more than 200 people turned up for a vigil Thursday night in the club's parking lot.

Shawn Sweeney, 22, played "old-school Pantera" on an acoustic guitar and a half-dozen young men held a blue tarp over his head and sang along.

"This is beautiful, this is absolutely beautiful," Sweeney said, referring to the growing crowd.

At one point, a naked young man stood in the middle of the street, arms raised, repeatedly cursing Gale. The crowd cheered boisterously, and the man took off in a full sprint across the parking lot as four police officers gave chase.

He was soon tackled and a man in the crowd yelled out, "We got your bond, dude!" as the streaker was led off in handcuffs.


On the Net:
that was a badass article! made me feel alot better.

ok guys i think we need to wear black ribbons on our shirts. I will and if anyone asks i'll tell them it's for dimebag darrell. One of the best guitarrists ever.
i realy think we should do it. and then see how many people will actually follow the trend. I hope they will.
toki33 said:
That s such a pity, The problem is that such a thing would have never happen in France for exemple cause i live in Paris and i can tell you that none could come into a concert carrying a gun and coming on stage. Just thanks the NRA for keeping USA an ultra_violent society,you're fuckers!! One more dead in the name of weapons supemacy!! All my support to vinnie and all his family inthis painfull moment, the whole metal world is crying on Dimebag, I hope the slaughter's grave will be pissed on
fuck it from Paris
Yeah, I'm sure the Nazis loved your lack of weapons. The NRA sent firearms to the UK during WWII. People in the NRA and other gun rights organizations aren't criminals. Get off your fucking high horse and FUCK OFF.
Jockthrax said:
Gale, Nathan
111 1/2 E Fifth St
Marysville, OH 43040-1265

That's an apartment owned by an innocent landlord so I would recommend not doing anything stupid that furthers the violence and suffering. The guy is dead. There's not much else you can do about it. I live about 15 minutes away from Marysville, if that, maybe I can find his grave so we can piss on it.