Aaaagggh! Dimebag shot in C-Bus!!!!

:cry: I don't understand people and I never will. Music is suppose to bring people together. Not KILL each other!!! What the FUCK!!!!!! Dime was my GOD! I play lead guitar and I looked up to this guy like a higher power. I met him once at a signing and he was the coolest guy in the world. I was wearing my Anthrax Sound of White Noise shirt and the first thing he said was "Cool shirt man! I love Anthrax!" He was so cool to me. I almost cried when I heard this and I don't even know the guy. Today I ran out and bought Damage Plan and it Rocks!!!! It made me so mad becuase he had plans to go back in the studio and now we will never be blessed with his music again. What is happening to the human race??????? He is the Jimi Hendrix of Metal.
What do you say to something like this? It's absolutely senseless.

Please be respectful. We're not just talking about celebrities, but friends of the guys in Anthrax.

To them, and any other fan or friend, I'm sorry.
thraxx said:
I have heard from a friend in the Testament camp that Pat the Singer was also killed. I saw them play November 11 here in San Francisco. I am at work and the loser's i work with are pissing me off with there comments about a guy name DIMEBAG.....

I'm sorry you have to put up with those cocksuckers. Call them cocksuckers. You'll feel better. (Yeah, this coming from me, Mr. "Be Respectful, Please." Maybe I'm just now starting to get really fucking mad...)

I hope it isn't Pat. He's another guy who deserves to be known for his guitar work. (My cousin's drum teacher, Ronnie Jarzombek, played with Pat in Halford.)

I don't know how to react to this, except to shake my head and ask why.
I can't believe it. I woke up this morning and heard it on the news. And it didn't hit me untill about half an hour ago. Nobody deserves that. This is a tragedy. I hope Vinnie's okay, we can't lose both of them. This is just wrong.
I am deeply saddened about the loss of one who had inspired me so intensly. This is not the act of fate but, HOMICIDE... I've recently been writing in different directions but for the moment i am very angry and that will have to wait. Bless you Dime! and Godspeed.... The Randalls will be turned to 10 as it seems the only way fitting to express my reaction. My heart also goes out to all fans , friends, and family whose emotions and grief must seem immensly surreal.
someone interviewed at the show said the gunmen yelled something about dime breaking up pantera, but that is hard to confirm because the music was loud. if he wanted to blame someone for panteras breakup you would think more of the blame rests with phil anselmo. why not go after him? what a lame fucking reason to kill someone, " you broke up my favortite band", allegedly he hung around a local tatoo shop and tried to talk shit with people, he didnt have any friends and was considered a loser by those who are from there. i walked around at work today almost in a state of shock, this is such bullshit.
Man I cannot believe that some asshole would actually do something like that. Dimebag was one of the most talented guitarists out there and managed to get Anthrax out of a few binds here and there, if anything Dimebag should be an honorary member of Anthrax. But damn, this is fucking unreal. It was like when Chuck (Death and Control Denied) died in 2001, but this is something even more haunting. This is truly one of heavy metal's darkest moments -- fans losing Dimebag. So young too; my condolances to Vinnie Paul about this because he has to be going thru hell with this one. I had an idea about how to do a tribute to Dimebag because one of the reasons I started writing horror was because of Pantera, so I thought of the idea of a short story anthology which capture the true essence of Pantera.
Here's a project I thought of more as a tribute to the man, a short story anthology which has talented writers in horror and other fiction which the writers have Pantera or Damage Plan as an influence on them. This will include bands or musicians who met Dimebag over the years and they can share their short stories and essays. The word counts that I am considering for this would be 2400 up to 9900 words.

Still want to wait until I get an email back from their label before I go ahead and get this done, but I emailed the editor of Unspeakable Press and CyberPulp Books for the idea and they are game for it. Now it is just getting the writers involved with the project. The contributing authors wearing either Pantera, Dimebag memorial, or Damageplan shirts with their photos. The back cover will have all the authors on the back of it along with scrapbook pictures of fans taken with Darrell. There won't be a deadline with the project but I am trying to get a few websites involved with the idea of this one.

I was deeply saddened by the death of Dimebag, and inspired at the same time hoping that the fans and friends can have something in his memory. I am hoping Vinnie Paul would be game about this too in fact if I do get the goahead with this, I want him to write the introduction and Scott to write the afterward. How many of you would be willing to do something like this, it would be cool to see some of the artists from the Pantera albums get involved with this one too. I will open the submissions for this some time Feburary and the deadline will be September 20, 2005.

If you guys want to get this ahead of time more as for his birthday, let me know. You guys want to do this, let me know -- it is something I felt can be a last gift to Dimebag. As a way to thank him for contributing to the heavy metal community.
I think that's a great idea. Good luck with that and let us know what happens.
I got a response back from Bob Gunner about the idea and he thought it was a damn good idea. I am going to be one of the editors on this one because I want the attitude right for this one, Bob having the place where it can get some real exposure. I am just emailing around with the idea and the proposition. Hell I could write the stories for a couple of them in the anthology, and encourage members of the board do the same thing. You can contact Bob at the website CyberPulp Books, and he managed to get the guy from Arli$$ to write the introduction on their Halloween Anthology and me coming fresh off editing my own anthology, I figured I would pass this along.

Being I am doing two anthology submissions at once here this one would be something for the fans. I want to do this because Antrhax was one of the bands that got me reading to begin with. I can tell some of the stories in this one becoming quite gothic. I am hoping someone from the Damageplan camp can get a hold of me on this because I am encouraging some of them to contribute their stories to this one as well. This is momentual for me because I'm a child of the heavy metal scene; if it wasn't for heavy metal I won't even be a writer.

The stories must be sent as rft format, and will try to get the editor on The House of Pain website involved with the project as well. I am encouraging each writer to take their time with their contributions to the project because this is a big undertaking. I am hoping to get the Reading Is Fundumental involved with this one because Bob Gunner knows how to get charity anthologies going -- the editor of Unspeakable Magazine partied with the guys from Pantera as well. Hoping that I could make this thing into two volumes. The titles of the songs will be shared with the titles of the short story if possible, or if you could give the stories the attitude of the songs that would be the plus.
I agree there, some of his work will be the most talented in heavy metal music to this day and for many years to come. I wonder if Metal Maniacs or Metal Edge found out about the story yet. Knowing Scott, he would end up doing a collumn about it for Metal Sludge Magazine.
RoomForOneMore said:
I got a response back from Bob Gunner...
cool. i like the idea.

I wonder if he had anything he recorded thats never been heard that they might release as a farewell.

on another note. I had stopped listening to pantera for a long time cause i was tired of Phil. but this got me listening again. man i'm gonna miss Dime.
