Aaaagggh! Dimebag shot in C-Bus!!!!

Jockthrax said:
Thats some fucked up shit, i seriously hope this asshole wasn't just trying to make a name for himself like that fat fuck Chapman....
Anyways i'm just back from lunch and me and my bro went to the Solid Rock Cafe in Glasgow and had a couple of Black Toothed Grins in tribute to the man. CFH :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I just talked to a friend who´s big Pantera and DP fan and tonight we´re gonna drink as hell to Dime´s memory.
I hope the motherfucker is burning in hell right now, while all the devils are jamming their prongs up his ass and his cock.
I'm absolutely sick to my stomach.
I just saw these guys last week. Bob Zilla and I were talking about gear and music and stuff in front of Irving in NYC.

That Dime tattoo I got last year is gonna get added to... that'll be my tribute.

So sad... I wonder if this f'd up kid planned it to be on the same day Lennon was shot.

Rest in Peace Dime... God's gonna get to learn how to play those whammy bar squeals.
Some guy called KBPI and said that they were filming a Damageplan DVD last night...
Anyone heard about this?
I'm glad you are okay. I don't even know what to say. I still don't know how to react to this. Please take care of yourself, and hang in there.
This is unfucking real.
Deege as Thrax dude said, i'm so glad to hear your okay, i can't even to begin to think what you've been through in the last 24 hours bro. Look after yourself mate.
This just sucks. I heard about this on the news last night but didn't know Dimebag was killed. :(

When I heard about this I immediatly thought of of TD's thread about how much of a dive this place was. Maybe bands will stop playing venue's like this that don't have proper security.

RIP Dime. I will drink properly to you tonight.
ThraxDude said:
Some guy called KBPI and said that they were filming a Damageplan DVD last night...
Anyone heard about this?
The police said in a press conference that some people may have amateur footage from the show, but he said he didn't know what they can find on the video.

No band would officially record a live video there, but Armored Saint did release two live tracks from that venue on Nod to the Old School. I was there.
Diamond is dead and it's official:

Former Pantera Guitarist Killed on Stage
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Dec 9, 8:11 AM (ET)


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A gunman charged onstage at a packed nightclub and opened fire on the band and the crowd, killing top heavy metal guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott and three other people before a police officer shot him to death, authorities and witnesses said.

Columbus police department spokeswoman Sherry Mercurio identified three of the victims of Wednesday's shooting as Abbott, guitarist with the heavy metal rock band Damageplan, and two other men, Nathan Bray and Erin Halk.

Damageplan had just begun their first song at the Alrosa Villa when the man opened fire, first targeting Abbott, shooting him multiple times at point-blank range, a witness said.

Abbott, 38, one of metal's top guitarists, and his brother, Damageplan drummer Vinnie Paul Abbott, were original members of Grammy-nominated thrash rock pioneers Pantera, one of the most popular metal bands of the early 1990s.

The witness, 22-year-old Chris Couch, said he was standing about 30 feet away from the stage when he noticed a man wearing a hooded sweatshirt and hockey jersey walk up to the stage, followed by a bouncer and another club employee.

The man in the jersey climbed onto the stage, started yelling and shot the guitarist five or six times at close range, Couch said. He said the gunman also shot a bouncer who pulled him off the musician.

Columbus police spokesman Sgt. Brent Mull said that after shooting at members of the band, the gunman fired into the crowd. Mull said a police officer who arrived shortly after the shooting began shot and killed the gunman.

"If the officer wasn't as close as he was, I think this would have been a lot worse," he said. "It was a chaotic scene, just a horrific scene."

Mercurio said the officer who killed the suspect was patrolling nearby when he heard the call go out. He entered the club through a back door and was directed to the stage, where he saw one person lying dead and the suspect holding onto another person, Mercurio said. The officer shot and killed the suspect.

The suspect's name and that of the fifth person killed were not immediately released. Mercurio said their family members are still being notified.

After the shooting began, Couch and a friend headed for the exit along with a tide of hundreds of fans.

"It was definitely a grudge. It was against something," Couch said.

Amanda Stankus, 19, who attended the show with Couch, said she initially thought the shooting was part of the show. "I just saw the guitarist fall down, and we decided to get out of there," she said.

The Abbott brothers produced Damageplan's debut album, "New Found Power," which was released in February. Other band members are vocalist Patrick Lachman and bassist Bob Zilla.

"Damageplan carries on the tradition Pantera started, the ... hell-raising tradition we were all about," Vinnie Paul Abbott told The Dallas Morning News in October. "We do play some Pantera songs. Me and Dime wrote them, and we feel like we have the right to play them. But the focus is on Damageplan.

"It took a while for some of the Pantera fans to accept it; we knew that was gonna be the case," he said. "Change is something that people have a hard time accepting. But me and Dime intended on doing this our whole lives."

A message left with Atlantic Records, which oversees the record label on which Damageplan records, was not immediately returned.

Damageplan's Web site said Darrel and Vinnie Abbott grew up in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, area where their father, country songwriter Jerry Abbott, owned a recording studio.

Telephone numbers for both Darrell and Jerry Abbott are unlisted and could not be reached early Thursday by The Associated Press.

Pantera, known for its brutally hard, fast and aggressive sound, recorded four albums in the 1990s. They attracted a massive cult following and the band's third release, "Far Beyond Driven," debuted at No. 1 in 1994, surprising chart-watchers and critics alike.

Pantera was nominated for Grammys for best metal performance in 1995 for "I'm Broken" and in 2001 for "Revolution Is My Name." The video "The Best of Pantera: Far Beyond the Great Southern Cowboys' Vulgar Hits," made charts earlier this year as one of the top 10 in music video sales.

Dozens of messages were posted to the Dallas band's Web site after the shootings.

"This is the worst day in metal history," one posting read.

"The metal world feels your pain," another wrote.
When i was at lunch "cowboys from hell" was played at the pub we were in and honestly the whole place just looked fucking miserable, Anthrax have always been my favorites but Pantera were a close second and Dime was a top class guitarist, one of the best ever......
ABC/Fox (the same station here) had a reporter in Marysville, the town in BFE where the shooter was from. They said he recently left the marines. They interviewed some dude that runs a tattoo parlor that said he used to come hang out there because he apparently had no friends.
I am completely numb. I read this news this morning when I got out of bed, and I now sit in work with no notion of doing anything. I've had Pantera and Damageplan blasting all day. Dime was a huge hero of mine. A totally original guitarist with a unique sound and awesome techniques. God the guy could shred. I remember in 1994 when I saw them support Megadeth in Belfast, and they destroyed Mustaine's men that night, they were awesome. We met the band at an autograph signing in the City that afternoon, and they were soome of the nicest, most down to earth guys you could ever hope to meet. We stood for hours talking to Vinnie, Dime and Rex, and I have the inlays of my Cowboys from Hell and Vulgar Display of Power albums signed by the band. I was a huge fan. I never got a chance to see Pantera headline, or see Damageplan live, but I've listened to their music regularly, and have to say that I've always loved Dime's playing. I wanted to get to Download this year at Donnington to see DP, but the trip never came off. Dime was an inspiration to me early on, but I could only ever dream to reach his technical ability, but his music was a joy to behold. I hope he rests in peace, and wish condolences to Vinnie and the rest of the family. No-one deserves this, and I only hope the gunman rotts in hell.

R.I.P. the greatest Cowboy From Hell, and I for one, will never forget the day I met Dime. \m/
NBC4 has a picture on the killer.


More info here:
I have heard from a friend in the Testament camp that Pat the Singer was also killed. I saw them play November 11 here in San Francisco. I am at work and the loser's i work with are pissing me off with there comments about a guy name DIMEBAG.....
"In case you guys haven't seen Scott and Charlie's comments.
It's all you'll see if you go to"

thanks for posting that. i missed the front page of the site as i always go straight to the main section of the site.

scott sums it up well: "Humanity is an oxymoron."