Aaaagggh! Dimebag shot in C-Bus!!!!

I'm so grossed out right now. I almost vomited when I saw it. I just can't believe this. Of all the fucking people. DIME WAS/IS/ALWAYS WILL BE THE FACE OF METAL. The guy lived it. I guess now he's taken his rightful place among the Gods. He was the one guy I could point to as a proud Southerner of another Southener who kicked everyone's ass. He was a force of nature and he will always be with us. Gun shots cannot never take that away from us.

Take care everybody. I love you all.

PS - I just got off the phone with Scott and the latest he's heard is Bobzilla was also killed. Vinnie and Patrick are OK, at least physically. But no one is for sure at this time.
bumpkins said:
vinnie, too? are u sure?

that sonofabitch... how did he get a gun inside anyway? security that lax or did someone let him in? i don't wanna start the conspiracies but why did this happen?

i'm still in shock.
Security is very lax at the Al Rosa. I've been to seven shows there. But really, if some sick fuck like this wants to get a gun in, he's going to do it one way or another. Al Rosa doesn't really keep any security right in front of the stage from what I remember though, like most places do. That's probably the bigger problem.
acutally i read the cnn link wrong. it just says vinnie was also a band mate. its two sentences. sorry for the confusion.
The useless fucks at Aftonbladet probably stole it from somewhere... this reminds me of 9/11, we´re in the gossip stage, part of the shock. I´m taking this harder than I first thought. Shootings like this proves my negative attitude toward guns right... "ohhh, but if Dimebag had a gun he could shoot back att the guy..." SUCK MY MOTHERFUCKING DICK!
Arg_Hamster said:
The useless fucks at Aftonbladet probably stole it from somewhere... this reminds me of 9/11, we´re in the gossip stage, part of the shock. I´m taking this harder than I first thought. Shootings like this proves my negative attitude toward guns right... "ohhh, but if Dimebag had a gun he could shoot back att the guy..." SUCK MY MOTHERFUCKING DICK!
I'm sure the criminal involved violating a number of state and federal gun laws. Unfortunately, criminals tend to not obey laws. For example, it's illegal in the state of Ohio (maybe the whole country, I'm not sure) to take a firearm in a place that sells alcohol. And I'm sure the guy didn't have a "concealed carry permit."

But we could take your argument further and say it confirms many people's view of heavy metal music. It encourages violence and ought to be banned. Whatever.
this is weird,he pumped several bullets into him,what on earth caused this to happen,guess we will have to wait until we have shooters background!

damageplan were probably the most fan friendly band ever,people on dp board were even at dimebags house as little as 2 weeks ago.

the only thing we can say is dimebag lived and breathed the rock and roll lifestyle that will never be repeated by anyone on the fucking planet.
jdelpi said:
I'm sure the criminal involved violating a number of state and federal gun laws. Unfortunately, criminals tend to not obey laws. For example, it's illegal in the state of Ohio (maybe the whole country, I'm not sure) to take a firearm in a place that sells alcohol. And I'm sure the guy didn't have a "concealed carry permit."

But we could take your argument further and say it confirms many people's view of heavy metal music. It encourages violence and ought to be banned. Whatever.

Yes, the law is the furthes from cagemonkeys minds and what has happend has happened but a lot of people get killed in accidents and by others having a grudge... talikng about the law and rules to a cagemonkey like this wouldn´t have any effect (you know what I mean). I´m mora angry about people like this attitude to violence.

Bet his mom is gonna cry out on TV and claim "The Haunted made him do it", that devils music".
Just got to work and checked my mail, this is fucking horrible Dimebag was a god, one in a million. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends and of coarse to those of Lachman. RIP DUDES. :headbang:
Shit, I'm in shock, this is totally unreal... I have no words. My condolences to Vinnie and family. :(
Vinnie is alive. Shot in the leg or hip but alive. it's just a rumor. The 2nd band member is the tour manager, not an actual band member. I was there. I am in shock, it happened right in front of me. I don't want to even discuss it.