About this well known tone... so fukcing huge!


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Ok, i know some may even find cliché asking about meshuggah's tones, but it's just i'm going insane trying to figure out this amazing tone in Lethargica, starting from 1:13, i came to the conclusion that it's all about the music and how "heavy" you play your stuff, but some sort of idea of what that giant tone is, would be cool. For me, it can't just be amp + cab (real or sim), it's a damn good post production... which i have no idea about.

yep, it's more obvious in the songs i mostly like, but there's patches out there that try to mimic that style and all... for guitar only far as i know, so, it's not about the "guitar tone" but mainly 'what the fuck to do' to get that fatness (for lack of other term), sometimes i've found that the coolest tones i heard DO HAVE fizz, but like well controlled and adding something to the tone, not just noise, that kind of stuff. Hope it makes sense.
Get an 8 string guitar... I love Meshuggah and their guitar/bass tones, but I don't see anything different about the tone at 1:13 than the rest of the song.
You may just well be one of the few fans of the production of this album :lol:
From a musical standpoint, fucking killer album, something I can listen to all day, but as a production reference.....not so killer :lol:
I always found the sound a bit thin on this album, just really cold and mechanical, which I really like :D

Well a 8 string is the obvious thing you need first because that extra length in the scale really tightens up the guitar sound, but its that bass sound that gives Meshuggah their sound, theres no way around it without having a great grindy bass tone :(
You can still have cold and mechanical AND have good production.
Cold and mechanical is first and foremost in the music.
Meshuggah's own Chaosphere is a great example of actually sounding pretty gnarly production wise for the type of music (as far as 90s productions goes, Chaosphere has to be one of the best IMHO), yet it still sounds fucking brutal and face-destroying musically
Yeah I'm definitely not a fan of the production on obZen, I really like the sound on Nothing though, which is ironic because they rereleased it because they weren't satisfied with the mix.
yeah i guess it mostly falls to that, the music, in that minute i talk about in lethargica, it's like... i feel the guitar/bass/whatever it is, scratching my brain, and the awesome lyrics complement that, but i mean, the tone, if i hear carefully, it sounds almost like a sampled... demon, i dunno it's damn evil.

Anyway, tell me if i'm wrong please, things i hear are:

Little attack on the guitars, and i mean little because of the massive tail every sound has, it HAS to be a lowered attack.
Kind'a scratchy body of the sound, there are some 'quiet' frequencies, that make the whole thing sound better, like... i dunno or maybe it's just the super low tuning that makes the string go 'prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' on every note...?

/end of production delirium.
Btw, not overthinking it here, i don't wanna copy their tone or nothing, but i find that if you go a little deep on every tone you find good, there's a lot of stuff you didn't know. Like i learned to stop fucking with bass octaves, and staying in the octave of the guitar... for example, making things sound fuller, etc.
I have to agree with Harry, Chaosphere for me is the best tone they've ever had, closely followed by DEI. ObZen is too harsh in the high-mid range (I think), it's really tiring on the ears that I have to take a break half way through. Oh, and Nothing is great also. I haven't actually heard the original release.
I actually like the production on Catch 33 for the 5-7 minutes I can stay awake listening to it. I don't see why people take sleeping pills when there are perfectly good, soothing, purposely repetitive albums with no breaks between songs to listen to.
I actually like the production on Catch 33 for the 5-7 minutes I can stay awake listening to it. I don't see why people take sleeping pills when there are perfectly good, soothing, purposely repetitive albums with no breaks between songs to listen to.

yeh i tend to get bored first too listening to this kind of music, but when you get the idea of the composition, it turns 100x better.