(about to be) NCD!!


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Hey guys. I've been itching to purchase a Mesa 4x12 OS straight cab for friggin' EVER now, and I have the loot saved up ...... just have a teeny question here that maybe someone could answer.

- Am I best off ordering straight thru Mesa and get the sumbitch shipped straight from Cali? Or better off maybe ordering thru a company like GC or Sweetwater? Has anyone received a brand new cab and it was damaged right out of the box?

Also - for a single 4x12 setup, straight or slant? I'm leaning towards straight since I've used slant my whole life and want something else.
Mesa pack's their products very well so i don't think you will have a problem with it coming in damaged. and if it does they will issue you a call tag and send you another one :) their customer service is pretty awesome. I bought the 3 mesa cab's i have had over the past 8 years through a store and it was fine
Thanks man! I just wasn't sure if GC or Sweetwater would take a chunk of $ from me for going through them, and if I'd have to pay for it to be shipped to them in the first place, then have to go pick it up, I may as well just have it shipped right to my house!
hey man if you live in the US i dont think you can order straight from them. (unless youre doing that through their online store hollywood som)
Bought a few cabs from GC myself very happy with them.

If you order from Mesa Hollywood, I think they'll charge for shipping. (Not certain, though.) You can go to GC and ask them for one new in a box and they should be able to get one in if they don't have a boxed one in-house.

Regarding slant vs straight... I prefer the slant for the oversized cab. Here's why: the straight cab points all the speakers below waist level. So you don't hear the high frequencies as well. A slant cab has the top two speakers angled up so you can hear the highs better on stage. JMHO