I would say the opposite, that somehow a person's taste in music is somehow above the rest of the world's is extreme vanity. I call it elitist.
Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness? It's still "modern" and a lot of people seem to love it, including myself. Very memorable.
Shpongled said:Shpongle - Nothing Lasts... but Nothing is Lost - This album is absolutely perfect in every way, shape, and form you can think of. It's like an entire dream sequence that starts when you fall asleep at midnight and wake up as the sun is coming up and the birds are chirping. Maybe I'm biased, but I get chills just typing this sentence. I don't even want to begin typing what makes this album so great. Describing Shpongle is extremely difficult. It's best to just hear it for yourself.
I'm gonna post more later, I don't have time right now at work haha.
Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness? It's still "modern" and a lot of people seem to love it, including myself. Very memorable.