

May 1, 2010
Brisbane AU
Just wondering what everyones favourite and least favourite accents are?

My favourite accent on a female has to be South African. Makes me melt for some reason. I also think SOME american accents are hot as well, like Californian. Big fan of Scandinavian accents as well!

I'm Australian and I hate our accent. Especially when an Aussie is on an American TV show, even if they are an Aussie doing their natural accent it makes me cringe!
Love British accents.

Cannot STAND that 'sorority girl' accent.. I have no idea where in America it's from, but it's the one with the 'aaaaiiind'. The guys have it to, but to a lesser extent.
I love Russian accents, when they speak English. Just sounds awesome to me.

Accents I hate most, are just those ridiculous sounding Australian and American accent.
By that, I mean Bogans and Rednecks (those dam Christians) of course.
I just don't know how they don't hear their own voice and don't sound completely fucking annoyed. Sometimes I just think they're real life trolls, who go through life with this fake accent to try to fool us, because it just doesn't seem normal to speak with this overly accentuated, harsh, grating and over the top voice like that.

Every time I see a bogan mum (and they almost always look like fucking meth and/or heroin addicts) in public with their screeching 6 year old kid, I want to fucking punch the mum, and me being me who hates kids, just pick up the kid, throw them against the wall and tell them to shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear your incessant whining about how your drug fucked mum isn't going to buy you a chocolate bar today (surprises me these mums even buy their kids food at all, would figure they spend everything they have on fucking meth)
And then there are the entire bogan families, geezus fucking christ. I don't understand why the parents were allowed to breed in the first place.
You're in your mid 30s, have the vocabulary of a normal 11 year old and speak with as much articulation as on and you had kids. And on top of that, your accent is fucking retarded.
Just go die already.

Just saw Morgan's post. The sorority types can go fucking die as well.
Cannot STAND that 'sorority girl' accent.. I have no idea where in America it's from, but it's the one with the 'aaaaiiind'. The guys have it to, but to a lesser extent.

I know exactly what you're talking about, its so annoying!

There are certain Irish accents that do that aswell.....
They pronounce syllables that just aren't there!

Albanian has to be ,hands down, the most horrible accent/language I have ever had the misfortune of hearing.
Does the language have to be english?
It always makes me lol when guys from the US speak german. It just sounds hilarious :lol:
Oh and i HATE the german accent (when speaking english), it makes me feel bad every time I hear it on TV/radio/RL. Including myself.
Frechmen trying to speak english are pretty bad, too.. just as every southern european and middle-east country citizen speaking english. You can't understand a single word.
My favourite has to be Eastern European women speaking english. They all sound like strippers!
slightly OT but when that dude says "In English" in the above video it reminded me of this.....
