ACCEPT in 2010

and by the way... Teutonic Terror got 2/10 in the "rate what the guy above is listening to" a death metal fan. No spam, just predictable Death metal mindset.

Wtf are you talking about. I'm the one who rated your Accept and I gave it 8.5 out of 10. But I'm sure you'd get mad at that rating anyway and call it too low.

Don't get mad just because somebody doesn't like the band. You're being too forward about it and yes you're spamming. Have you even tried the Old School board? You might get a better response there.
The ones run by death metal types tends to have a bitter anti-social welcoming committee and people who spend a lot of time trying to enforce the board "rules" on everyone. Probably cuz no one listens to them in real life.

Not true. I'm mostly into the more melodic metal subgenres and have had no bitterness towards me from the 'death metal types' on this board when I joined. Know why? Because I didn't come here and keep creating multiple threads about the same band and then get all pissy when people were rightfully annoyed by it.

And a forum needs rules otherwise it gets overrun by spammers and people with their own agendas to push which drives away all the interesting and intelligent posters, ultimately killing the forum.

And no-one was offended that the guy from Accept posted. That was actually kind of cool. The fact that you keep trying to force the same band down everyone's throat is what's annoying everybody.
Here goes again,

The claim that I am pissing people off by posting multiple threads....

For starters, I would say, grow up, there are more important things to get pissed off about and if this is one of them, you should broaden your horizons. More importantly though, you should consider the possibility that you have jumped to the wrong conclusion in this case. After all, I have been very up front about everything.

So let's look at the facts ….


I posted a thread about ACCEPT playing in Texas. It got "moved" to self-promotion right away. This was before I mentioned having any contact with ACCEPT. There was no effort by the moderator to find out whether I represented ACCEPT or not. I do not.


So, I posted my second time introducing the question I have about whether metal that appealed to me in 1985 appeals to people who are at the same point in their lives that I was then. I was 100% truthful about everything, and once again, it was somehow determined I was "self-promoting" and the topic got locked.

Does that sound like a sinister marketing ploy Skeleton? Explain something… if I am “marketing”, where’s my financial motive?

I PM'd the two people who took these actions further providing them with the facts and inviting clarification. I heard nothing.


I reposted because I think it is accurate to say that 1) I should not be able to "self-promote" ACCEPT any more than I should be able to pay the $60 fee I was pointed toward for creation of an "official forum" and 2) my proposed discussion goes beyond ACCEPT and is an effort to better understand why young people today like metal, and what it is that draws them to it.

As for point 2, I have lots of theories. However, I don't assume they are correct, I respectfully "ask" at the source.

So, call it spamming, marketing, or whatever you want. I think your position is very weak. You should really consider abandoning it. I met ACCEPT at a meet & greet. I want the new album to get exposure, because I enjoyed it and I think other will too. I have absolutely no financial stake in this, I am just a fan like most people on this site. I cannot claim to do anything on ACCEPT’s behalf. The fact that Peter Baltes posted is a credit to him and ACCEPT. If you guys were more receptive, you might find guys like me doing this more often. I know a lot of people from my own work as a singer in a prog/power metal band.

As for the song rating, 2/10 was in fact the first ranking following the video. Did it upset me? I’m not a child, I fully expected this could happen. It was also called “cheesy”. I am curious to understand these reactions which is precisely the topic of my discussion. Personally, I watch a lot of death metal videos and they are what I call cheesy. Back in my day, we laughed at this kind of stuff. So, I think it is interesting to try to understand how what was cool is now cheesy and how what was cheesy is now cool…or “sick” or whatever.

So, why not have that discussion instead of being fixated on whether the supreme court would agree that I have posted in the correct forum?

My topic for discussion is not just ACCEPT... ACCEPT is a timely example however. Would I discuss things other than ACCEPT? of course. but, you gotta start somewhere right?
You guys are funny. No one is forcing you to visit this thread. Would it kill you to face the fact that maybe you could actually be useful somewhere else? My whiniest girlfriend ever didn't go as for out of her way to complain about things. Is your name Karen?

–verb (used with object)
1. to take or receive (something offered); receive with approval or favor: to accept a present; to accept a proposal.
2. to agree or consent to; accede to: to accept a treaty; to accept an apology.
3. to respond or answer affirmatively to: to accept an invitation.
4. to undertake the responsibility, duties, honors, etc., of: to accept the office of president.
5. to receive or admit formally, as to a college or club.
6. to accommodate or reconcile oneself to: to accept the situation.
7. to regard as true or sound; believe: to accept a claim; to accept Catholicism.
8. to regard as normal, suitable, or usual.
9. to receive as to meaning; understand.
10. Commerce . to acknowledge, by Signature, as calling for payment, and thus to agree to pay, as a draft.
11. (in a deliberative body) to receive as an adequate performance of the duty with which an officer or a committee has been charged; receive for further action: The report of the committee was accepted.
12. to receive or contain (something attached, inserted, etc.): This socket won't accept a three-pronged plug.
13. to receive (a transplanted organ or tissue) without adverse reaction. Compare reject ( def. 7 ) .
–verb (used without object)
14. to accept an invitation, gift, position, etc. (sometimes fol. by of
Here goes again,

The claim that I am pissing people off by posting multiple threads....

For starters, I would say, grow up, there are more important things to get pissed off about and if this is one of them, you should broaden your horizons. More importantly though, you should consider the possibility that you have jumped to the wrong conclusion in this case. After all, I have been very up front about everything.

So let's look at the facts ….


I posted a thread about ACCEPT playing in Texas. It got "moved" to self-promotion right away. This was before I mentioned having any contact with ACCEPT. There was no effort by the moderator to find out whether I represented ACCEPT or not. I do not.


So, I posted my second time introducing the question I have about whether metal that appealed to me in 1985 appeals to people who are at the same point in their lives that I was then. I was 100% truthful about everything, and once again, it was somehow determined I was "self-promoting" and the topic got locked.

Does that sound like a sinister marketing ploy Skeleton? Explain something… if I am “marketing”, where’s my financial motive?

I PM'd the two people who took these actions further providing them with the facts and inviting clarification. I heard nothing.


I reposted because I think it is accurate to say that 1) I should not be able to "self-promote" ACCEPT any more than I should be able to pay the $60 fee I was pointed toward for creation of an "official forum" and 2) my proposed discussion goes beyond ACCEPT and is an effort to better understand why young people today like metal, and what it is that draws them to it.

As for point 2, I have lots of theories. However, I don't assume they are correct, I respectfully "ask" at the source.

So, call it spamming, marketing, or whatever you want. I think your position is very weak. You should really consider abandoning it. I met ACCEPT at a meet & greet. I want the new album to get exposure, because I enjoyed it and I think other will too. I have absolutely no financial stake in this, I am just a fan like most people on this site. I cannot claim to do anything on ACCEPT’s behalf. The fact that Peter Baltes posted is a credit to him and ACCEPT. If you guys were more receptive, you might find guys like me doing this more often. I know a lot of people from my own work as a singer in a prog/power metal band.

As for the song rating, 2/10 was in fact the first ranking following the video. Did it upset me? I’m not a child, I fully expected this could happen. It was also called “cheesy”. I am curious to understand these reactions which is precisely the topic of my discussion. Personally, I watch a lot of death metal videos and they are what I call cheesy. Back in my day, we laughed at this kind of stuff. So, I think it is interesting to try to understand how what was cool is now cheesy and how what was cheesy is now cool…or “sick” or whatever.

So, why not have that discussion instead of being fixated on whether the supreme court would agree that I have posted in the correct forum?

My topic for discussion is not just ACCEPT... ACCEPT is a timely example however. Would I discuss things other than ACCEPT? of course. but, you gotta start somewhere right?









I could go to the old school board, but I'm finding it pretty entertaining here. Maybe later.