ACCEPT in 2010

It was also called “cheesy”. I am curious to understand these reactions which is precisely the topic of my discussion. Personally, I watch a lot of death metal videos and they are what I call cheesy. Back in my day, we laughed at this kind of stuff. So, I think it is interesting to try to understand how what was cool is now cheesy and how what was cheesy is now cool…or “sick” or whatever.

Don't make it sound like an issue of vogue. At the same time you were listening to Accept (give or take a few years), there were cooler people listening to Hellhammer. :D

It's also almost a silly question to bring up considering this switch didn't happen recently, it happened in the 1980s. A lot of people who initially considered speed metal to be hot shit were converted to thrash and death as soon as they first heard them. It's not far-fetched, really. If someone was looking for the heaviest music out there, ignoring noise and hardcore punk, you would have been listening to bands like Accept in the 70s and bands like Hellhammer in the 80s.

We could bother arguing which is better and all that crap, but the point to take away is that there have always been people who prefer the darker forms of metal and people who prefer the brighter forms, even down to people in 1970 choosing between Black Sabbath's eponymous track and Evil Woman. Nothing new, just two schools of thought. Most around here prescribe to [i\both[/i] of them, but if you find death metal cheesy you probably won't enjoy your stay here.
Actually, there was no one cooler than me I'm

I think most of what you say is opinion, not fact. I will therefore offer some opinion back, which I can do without saying that what you said is stupid. That’s called respect.

Mainstream metal died almost overnight in the late 80's. Suddenly, many people who might have otherwise listened to it were listening to grunge or "alternative" while others turned to gangster rap of all things.

Great guitar players were reduced to "wankers".

So when I ask the question I have, I am basing it on what I witnessed. A lot of my former metal peers no longer listen to metal. That suggests to me that they probably were going through a "phase" and trying to express themselves through their choice of music. Most of the people I grew up with who are still into metal are musicians. Therefore, people may gravitate (or sink) to different genres, but are they driven to do so mainly by the music or by some desire to express themselves.

Those who are trying to express themselves are more likely to be going through a phase (how many people went through a goth phase and totally came out of it).

Personally, I think Death and Black metal are as "underground" as they are precisely because they lose fans at a rate similar to what they gain them. Sadly, this is something ALL metal suffers due largely to a lot of the "non-music" elements that people ARE likely to outgrow.

It may sound "snobbish" but a lot of the piggy toilet humour does not appeal to people once they grow out of their teens and start raising kids and having careers etc. For me, that does not mean I gotta throw the baby out with the "bath-water" but for a majority of metal fans (going through a phase) I think they feel it's all or nothing.

So, do death metal fans (and young metal fans in general) like the music just for the music, or does it have to come with the gore, the photos of feces, the sharing of “Face of Doom” videos and the desire to make light of things that would often be “disturbing” to others?

I think that’s worth exploring, because it says a lot about the long-term viability of metal. In the 80’s, I saw a lot of people pretending to be into it, but what was outrageous then is very tame compared to what is today.

So, if people can speak intelligently about music, whether it is death metal or not, I can probably enjoy my stay. If the conversations are more about expressing attitude (I'll call it "posing") then I will probably find it pretty boring, knowing that many of the participants will be listening to something else in a couple years and looking back on today with the same regretful feeling you get waking up next to a toad.
I buy death metal cds to shock my mother. I guess I'm just going through a phase which ends when she's dead. I'll return to ACCEPT then for it's music and because ACCEPT still has something to offer in the year of 2010.
Well, I've already met a lot of people who wish they hadn't gotten some of the stupid tattoos and punched holes through every part of their face the way people have over the past ten years. So if they weren't "going through a phase" what was it?

They're not throwing away their new lives in order to stick with a counter culture they belonged to for a short period of time.
Hey guys, just thought I'd check in to see the latest innovations in the field of douchebaggery.

I think it goes without saying that I'm impressed. This might be better than that time Dodens got trolled about his atheism.
Well, I would not give anyone a hard time about being an athiest. I would rather get inside the head of someone who is religious to try to understand what took them there... to me, it's almost as mysterious as understanding why people get into death metal...probably some pretty similar answers too.
Nope, I just see commonalities in the sheep-like behaviour, the surrendering of individuality in favour of "group-think".

Yep, the reaction to anything from a death metal fan is very predictable, hate to burst your bubble if you thought otherwise.

You all tend to jump on things just to spew your hatred, and then you take turns trying to impress each other with your shots. Really cool.

It's about the most childish mindset out there and is an embarassment to those who love heavy music but aren't walking freakshows and failures.

How's that?
Dude, we listen to death and black metal because WE LIKE THE MUSIC.

I haven't been on this forum very long but I've read through much of the Death Metal thread and Black Metal thread. There is a lot of great discussion going on in there (Of course the occasion fight will break out, this IS the internet after all).

You mention Death Metal being about gore or something? Um I am not into that aspect at all. I just happen to really enjoy the music. And I don't JUST listen to Death and Black. I listen to Heavy, Thrash, Doom, Symphonic, and Folk Metals as well. I also like Indie Rock, Classic Rock, and Classical music.

I think you're being stereotypical. :erk:
My point,

on these boards, the death metal fans usually are not diverse in their tastes.

If you write something I think is stupid, I can resist the urge to comment.

Why can't you do the same?

I would suggest it has a lot to do with a desire to define yourself through attitude.

Vogue is full of that kind of shit.

I'm impressed with people who do not jump at the opportunity to fit into a stereotype.

How silly is it to suggest I am ramming ACCEPT down anyone's throat. My computer doesn't force me to get involved in anything I don't want to. If yours does, trash it.

Likewise, if I actually were making an organized MARKETING effort, how fuckin refreshing would it be to have this coming from a metal band instead of a tampon or a shampoo.

Seriously, pick your battles. And consider walking by when you don't have shit to offer.
You were never in Accept. I know it's hard for you to deal with, but you need to get over it and get over yourself.