Fox Mulder
The Truth Is Out There
WTF, doesn't Andy already play in KD?
Seriously, I'd like that, but it'd be kinda hard to knock KD's Andy out of producer's chair to install the other Andy in there...
I think no producer can help them, not even Andy, if they don't improve their songwriting, seems like they've lost it along the way... BNW still had some of that old spark left, but it soon all got lost. They don't seem cohesive to me and I don't feel they have the desire to do their thing, it's more like they're doing their day jobs and appearing regularly at their work spots.
Such a desire was very apparent on Bruce's solo works...
Oh arrite, not even Rick Rubin?

BNW was phenomenal. It's one of those 'phenomenal' albums that come out once in a blue moon, you know? Sure, Dance of Death and A Matter of Life and Death didn't seem that sparky. But compare those 2 albums to the 2 Blaze Bailey stuff, or even "No Prayer for the Dying"!

Regarding Bruce's solo work, yes I could feel the fact that he was really into it. But from a musical point of view - The people whom he was working with have horrible songwriting chops and/or they don't give 2 flying fucks about working with 'not their own'.