Accidentally stole a Mesa cab


Dec 31, 2009
Me and a friend were driving through a neighborhood to pick up another friend of ours when we noticed a 2x12 recto cab just lying there next to a bin. The grille cloth was kind of damaged and so was the exterior. The Mesa logo was missing a screw and was at an angle.

We thought it was garbage, so we thought we'd put it in the back of his truck thinking we'd do some DIY work on it, fit in some new speakers etc/clean it up if no one came to pick it up in half an hour.

We waited, drove around some more - came back and it was still there. The friend who lived in the area said we should jack it. Long story short, we picked it up and my friend took it back to his place to see if he could get it fixed up.

The next day the guy who owned it had been knocking on doors looking for the thing and had knocked on our friends door too. We have no idea where this guy lives. The cab has the initials R.A. and Fuck metal carved into the outside which really doesn't tell us who the owner is or whether he's even in the area.

Should we return it? If so, how? Would it be immoral to just keep it? Thanks.
So are you saying the guy doesn't live where you took his cab from? Kinda confusing.. give the guy his gear back. Leave it there with a note on it explaining that you thought it was to be trashed and you heard he was actually looking for it. :loco:
So are you saying the guy doesn't live where you took his cab from? Kinda confusing.. give the guy his gear back.

He doesn't. I can only assume he was transporting it and left it out there instead of carrying it or something. Don't ask me, we're all as confused as you are.

The friend who got asked if he had seen it said he was talking about coming back from a gig and dropping it off outside while he went inside for a beer or something.

I want to give it back and the obvious thing to do would be to ask the guys at the place where the cab was found who it belongs to, but we're debating whether we should keep it or not. My friend is dead set on keeping the thing since according to him it sounded 'fucking killer'..
Who leaves their gear outside, unattended for any prolonged extent of time? Serves the asshole right, but it's always better to do the right thing... If you can give it back, give it back.

Karma. juss' sayin'.
Who leaves their gear outside, unattended for any prolonged extent of time? Serves the asshole right, but it's always better to do the right thing... If you can give it back, give it back.

Karma. juss' sayin'.

That's what my friends argument is. He's like the guy is an idiot, and his loss is my gain. He's 'fallen in love' with the cab and isn't willing to give it back. I'm just wondering if he's right or whether we should return it. Who'd turn down a free cab?
The guy´s an asshole for leaving his gear outside like garbage, who does that, seriously?? but, it´s still his cab, so the correct thing to do is to give it back to him, and just wait that guy is not an asshole enough to claim that you stole it from him and then report you to the authorities.
IF he's come to look for it, just give it back. Shit will just be easier that way really.
Give it back. And I'd probably stop hanging out with that other guy, sounds like a total douchebag. "Oh I can't return this stolen gear, I love it too much!" Can't trust that type...
Oh and i forgot to tell you, that if >I< leave my guitar unattended laying next to a garbage dumpster for more than 1 second - you are free to take it :)
The guy´s an asshole for leaving his gear outside like garbage, who does that, seriously?? but, it´s still his cab, so the correct thing to do is to give it back to him, and just wait that guy is not an asshole enough to claim that you stole it from him and then report you to the authorities.

Oh wow, I've never taken that into consideration before. I really don't want to get in trouble for returning a cab to it's owner..

Either way, about that friend of mine. This isn't the first time he's done something like this. He basically pulled out a pair of lundgrens from the backup of the lead guitarist of a band he was playing with. He also nabbed stereo pairs of a couple of mics, an SM58 and an Audix i5 from a homegrown studio he was recording at.

That's another problem, convincing him to give it back.
Sounds like you don't even want to give it back and are just looking for justification from people online that it's OK to keep it.

It's not OK.

Couldn't have knocked on the door before you decided to steal it? It's a damn neighborhood FFS.

Check your brain, and report your "friend" to the police if he doesn't give it back.

And how is this guy an asshole? Seriously?
1. Give it back, just do it. Karma IS a bitch and you'll feel better about it!
2. He's still an idiot, just a lucky idiot if you give it back, and people like this always stay dumb, something worse will happen to his gear don't stress ;)
3. I found a sealed Super Nintendo on the side of the road. I still asked the guy living there if I could take it, and I could. It's still out of respect and honesty that you should do this!

So... Give it back /thread
I think it's easy to see that you should return it, no matter what your friend thinks. Some day down the line you might get a piece of gear stolen, imagine how you would feel about that.