Accidentally stole a Mesa cab

You just confirmed that your friend it`s a thief! If the owner knocked on his door, looking for his cab and he lied or dosn`t open the door ;than the situation it`s least for me...there is no accidentaly steal from this moment, wrong post title
In case you are not sure that the cab it belongs to him,and that`s the reason that you hesitate giving him back,than you can ask about the R.A initials, or just ask him what is carved inside the cab.
Your friend is a straight up cunt.

You on the other hand... you sound like you might possibly have a conscience.

Give the cab back - anyway you can. When you saw it, you should've gone to the most logical house, knocked the door, and ASKED if it was garbage. Just because something is lying on the street next to some trash doesn't give you the right to take it - EVEN if it is trash.
Oh wow, I've never taken that into consideration before. I really don't want to get in trouble for returning a cab to it's owner..

Either way, about that friend of mine. This isn't the first time he's done something like this. He basically pulled out a pair of lundgrens from the backup of the lead guitarist of a band he was playing with. He also nabbed stereo pairs of a couple of mics, an SM58 and an Audix i5 from a homegrown studio he was recording at.

That's another problem, convincing him to give it back.

1. Anyone who would steal gear (at all, but especially) from someone recording them is a low life piece of shit.

2. You don't know why the cab was out there. For all you know a pissed off girlfriend/roommate/parent could have tossed the guy's cab out there without him knowing.
Oh wow, I've never taken that into consideration before. I really don't want to get in trouble for returning a cab to it's owner.
Don't tell the guy your name. Simples. To be honest I think he'll just be happy to get the cab back.

Either way, about that friend of mine. This isn't the first time he's done something like this. He basically pulled out a pair of lundgrens from the backup of the lead guitarist of a band he was playing with. He also nabbed stereo pairs of a couple of mics, an SM58 and an Audix i5 from a homegrown studio he was recording at.
Your friend is a scummy thieving cunt. And if you're smart you'll ditch him right now before he steals all your shit.

I'll agree that it was a retarded idea to leave any piece of gear lying out in the street. If I did that with my stuff I'd never expect to get it back. Hell I wouldn't expect it back if I left it at a venue tbh.

But that still doesn't give you the right to keep it. Give him it back.
To be completely fair, the guy who had it on his corner was being a fucking DUMBASS for having it there (public property, up for grabs,) and doesn't really have any right to bitch about it.

Then again, your friend is a douchebag for stealing it and refusing to give it back, when he caught wind that the owner wanted it back. You COULD be reported to the authorities, but they would side with you most likely because it was public property. I'd give it back and just hope he doesn't cause the inconvenience of reporting it.

+1 though, don't let him alone with your girlfriend.
T (public property, up for grabs,)

Imo, atleast here in Germany, you're not allowed to grab other peoples garbage.

And the dude is searching for his cab, man. YOU'RE a thief if you don't give it back.
I don't understand the whole discussion.

Stealing is stealing
Give it back now! I just got jacked for my 32 8 Mackie and Warhead 1/2 stack that I was keeping. I never use these things but it doesn't feel good all the same. Asshole didn't even take the power supply for the mixer. :bah: Can't find the receipts because of all the moving I've done in the last couple of years and so I can't even make a decent police report. IT SUCKS TO GET YOUR GEAR TAKEN! Feels like shit! :cry: Give the poor guy his shit back. Do the right thing!
Just echoing what everyone else has said here. Give the cab back, it's stealing. You don't know why the cab was out there and regardless the guy has gone to the trouble of going door to door to look for it.

Your friend is thieving scum, just cause he likes the cab he doesn't want to give it back? Since when has that been a legitimate excuse for anything, it's not his if he likes it so much he can save up and buy his own. Your friend clearly has zero respect for other peoples shit, if I were you I'd rob him blind and see how he fuckin' likes it. He stole a guys pickups out of a guitar? WTF??? He's robbed a FEW pairs of mics. Thats probably over 1K worth of stuff right there. I'm surprised your friend didn't just go into the guys house and take it. Of course he's not going to give it back, he's a thief
Are you guys seriously debating if it's ok to steal or not?

Yeah, really.:ill:

Public property? What? So it's alright to steal a car just because it's parked next to a trash can? Dumbest fucking argument I've ever heard. Just give the kid his cab back.
I wouldn't just give it back to him and explain anything, dumbass left it outside by the trash. If you want to give it back, Just leave it outside again. Dude might be some roid-ragin' psycho and go crazy.
It's pretty simple - it belongs to someone else regardless of the condition you found it in. The moment you considered keeping it with the knowledge that the original owner wants it back, you became a thief. While I'm not one to believe in karma or fate, I think we are all responsible for our own actions and our actions speak to our true nature - unless you really want to be known as a thief, you should return it so your actions say you are not.

It's really just that simple.
I can't speak for your specific juridisction, but a lot of places consider anything left out with the trash to be up for grabs. As such, you might *technically* be okay with keeping it, but giving it back would still be the right thing to do.

Oh, and your friend is a complete jerkoff who will probably steal your anal virginity if you turn your back on him.