Accidentally stole a Mesa cab

Don't know why it's a big surprise the guy was a dick about it. He had his cab taken, having your shit stolen is infuriating. You're not going to behave in a composed manner when this happens. He's informed that the person who took his cab is at his house but WITHOUT the cab. What did you expect, him to waltz in and say good evening sir, it's very kind of you to stop by and explain things but say... do you happen to know the whereabouts of my cab? You did the right thing and it's your friends problem now but his reaction doesn't surprise me at all.

yea well the guy who the cab belonged to needs to not be a dick about it because HE LEFT HIS SHIT SITTING OUT ON THE STREET

i don't know about you guys, but where i live, i assume that if my kid leaves her 16" barbie bike in the front yard for a couple hours, come crackhead is going to run off with it. not to justify this sort of shit at all, but come on - you leave an item worth hundreds of dollars sitting out on the curb, completely unattended, for a lengthy period of time...and then he wants to get shitty about someone taking it? fucking please.
Well I'm curious as to where exactly the cab was left; first of all, is this like a typical house with a small front lawn and then a sidewalk? So was the cab sitting on the sidewalk away from the house (where people often put their garbage to be picked up), or was it close to it?
Give the cab back, escorted by a police officer. If he does anything with a cop there he's gonna get in serious trouble
I still think my suggestion would've been your best bet to begin with (1st thread response)... it is completely passive (no confrontation, no arguments, no hassle), it gives the guy his gear back and depending on whatever you wrote, it would maybe give him a little perspective.

All that said... you tried to help the guy out and he laid hands on you, so IMO it's NOT your responsibility anymore to make sure your friend does the right thing, it seems you attempted to and the guy hindered you helping him. If you still assisted him in getting it back after all that, it'd be above and beyond at this point.
Well I'm curious as to where exactly the cab was left; first of all, is this like a typical house with a small front lawn and then a sidewalk? So was the cab sitting on the sidewalk away from the house (where people often put their garbage to be picked up), or was it close to it?

Typical house. It was sitting next to a bin on the sidewalk. Within one foot of it.

Good advice. Crazy story.
Was his gf hot?

Surprisingly, yes.

I still think my suggestion would've been your best bet to begin with (1st thread response)... it is completely passive (no confrontation, no arguments, no hassle), it gives the guy his gear back and depending on whatever you wrote, it would maybe give him a little perspective.

All that said... you tried to help the guy out and he laid hands on you, so IMO it's NOT your responsibility anymore to make sure your friend does the right thing, it seems you attempted to and the guy hindered you helping him. If you still assisted him in getting it back after all that, it'd be above and beyond at this point.

I just assumed the guy would be civil about someone trying to return his stolen shit. Apparently such assumptions should not be made ever!
At this point I would've rather put this thing aflame with lighter fluid in front of his house than give it back. If that guy had any sort of functional brain he would have understand the nature of this problem...stuff you place next to the trash could be considered trash and picked up... its not that hard. Instead he assaulted and threatened you.

my vote: screw that guy, keep the cab
Not sure what country you're in, but I'll guess that in most reasonable societies, "uttering threats" is a crime. It is here in Canada, anyway.
Not sure what country you're in, but I'll guess that in most reasonable societies, "uttering threats" is a crime. It is here in Canada, anyway.

A major +1 to this. Give the cab to the cops, tell them everything and don't leave out that this guy, who is obviously a psycho, threatened to kill your friend. Hell, he went driving around the neighbourhood with a knife the evening it was taken. Where I'm from this seems to have gone so far that the only way to properly get out of the situation is to contact the cops.
option a
1. use said cab to beat the guy down
2. fuck his girlfriend on the cab
option b.
1.magically one day steal the cab and put it back on the corner
2.ring door bell run he'll see the cab out near his house watching for the next time he leaves his cab outside again
4. steal said cab
5. return the cab next day
6. repeat till the guy goes nuts
This here.

UNLESS your taking shit from a club/bar when they don't pay the guarantee. Take all that shit and sell it. Fuck asshole club owners (92% of them).

The venue I work in doesn't usually do guarantees cause the crowds can be hit or miss, occasionally they do and when they've got independant promoters obviously it's their choice whether or not to have one, but how do you know what the club owns and what belongs to others?
Where I work I've got some backline, the monitor rig is mine, I've got a few extra pa tops, some outboard and tons of mics/cables. If a band stole this "shit" to get back at the bar I'd be the one out of pocket not the bar, had people attempt this and it's not cool when some shitty band walks off with some of your mics and passes it off as an accident when they get caught. I make a living doing sound/recording so if someone robs my drum mics I can't work

Just give the dude his fucking cab back! Your friend sounds like a bit of an asshole if he has been stealing all that shit...


Really, have you EVER seen a Mesa cab just hanging out on the sidewalk? who just throws their cab away, really? I'd have assumed it most likely was NOT garbage if I was in that situation.