Accidentally stole a Mesa cab

IMO you should keep the cab at this point since the dude assaulted you when you were trying to help, He basically "dug his own grave". Did you give any information about yourself that could aid him on tracking you? I'm not sure why you thought it was a good idea to approach them yourself, you were either gonna A) start beef with the owner or B) Start beef with your buddy who is trying to keep the cab. Either way you kinda screwed yourself over at this point. The owner is going to be out for you if he doesn't get it back and if you force your buddy to give it back he is going to hate on you and probably rob your ass. Shitty situation dude. I hope things work out for you, you were only trying to do the right thing.

I don't know what I was thinking man. The chick knows my name but they don't have any idea where I live or anything like that. I thought the guy would be cool with me showing up and trying to help him out but apparently not. I thought putting my friend on the spot would sort of coerce him into giving him back because when I spoke to him he was sort of on the fence about it.

One thing is for damn sure though, I'm never going back there again. If my friend wants to give it back, that's fine. If he doesn't, it's his problem. I just don't want to have anything to do with this anymore. I did give the girl his cell number though, so yeah - i'm between a rock and a hard place on this one.
I don't know what I was thinking man. The chick knows my name but they don't have any idea where I live or anything like that. I thought the guy would be cool with me showing up and trying to help him out but apparently not. I thought putting my friend on the spot would sort of coerce him into giving him back because when I spoke to him he was sort of on the fence about it.

One thing is for damn sure though, I'm never going back there again. If my friend wants to give it back, that's fine. If he doesn't, it's his problem. I just don't want to have anything to do with this anymore. I did give the girl his cell number though, so yeah - i'm between a rock and a hard place on this one.

At least you tried to sort it, now its your friends problem!
what were you thinking of when getting to the troglodyte's cave? I wonder what were you gonna say to him at that point.

Let him a pic of the cab with you doing his GF on photoshop so he dies from a heart attack or high blood pressure
How exactly would you handle it then? I can't believe you're blaming me for this. I've been trying to get it back to this fag since we picked it up, and it wasn't even my idea to do so. I don't see why I should be the guy taking shit for it, not only from the guy himself but from you too.

Sometimes I think trying to be the good dude always doesn't work, and I should take my 'douche' friends approach to things and not give a damn.

I would have went to the door and asked if it was trash in the first place. If no one was home I would have left it there. I'm of the mindset that you should always be "the good dude", though.

If you gave the people your friends number, then it's out of your hands and lessens your risk.

If it were me, I'd be looking for new friends/bandmates.
1. Karma is about as real as the easter bunny, jesus, the tooth fairy and religion. Stories, lies and more bullshit conjured to control the masses. Do not listen to morons here swinging this bullshit, you will become supremely retarded.

2. Keep the cab, anything 'left on the curb' is fair gain. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

3. Anyone who carves shit like that into a cab deserves to lose it, and have their pubes pulled out one by one.

4. Kick your buddy in the teeth for stealing shit from others (not the cab, the other poo poo), then pull out his pubes one by one.

You're welcome.
1. Type out your friends address and the words "Your Cab Is Here" on the PC
2. Print it
3. Drive by the GF's house and slip it under the door
4. Wait for asshole to show up at friends house and stab him

2 problems solved. Your asshole thief of a "friend" is dead and wont bother getting you into anymore retarded situations like this, and 2 the guy got his gear back & your conscience is now clear.
What did you expect, him to waltz in and say good evening sir, it's very kind of you to stop by and explain things but say... do you happen to know the whereabouts of my cab?

Erm.... maybe I'm naive.. but yes.

Acting like a complete little bitch with no self control is utterly unacceptable. The right thing would've been to have sat down, had a cup of coffee with the guy, and talked the whole thing out.

People who use their physical size to intimidate others have no fucking respect from me.
Don't know why it's a big surprise the guy was a dick about it. He had his cab taken, having your shit stolen is infuriating. You're not going to behave in a composed manner when this happens. He's informed that the person who took his cab is at his house but WITHOUT the cab. What did you expect, him to waltz in and say good evening sir, it's very kind of you to stop by and explain things but say... do you happen to know the whereabouts of my cab? You did the right thing and it's your friends problem now but his reaction doesn't surprise me at all.

Yeah man...Anyone with intellect would walk in and say "ok, so what's the deal? You're here but my gear isn't..explain this out to me in a nice clear fashion so I can go get it back, or better yet you can fucking bring it to me".

I think bursting in to a situation like that is ridiculous, he had no idea who this "theif" was in his house..

The second I had missing gear and I heard that the person who stole it was at my house, I'd think "well ok.. he's here for a reason... a theif doesn't steal something and then show up to tell you does he?"

So then logically I'd think, "He's either here to tell me he sold it, or to tell me I can get it back".

Then you walk in and sort it out like a real man, with wits, intellect and mannors.

If the guy who stole it "by accident" ends up being a dick... then by all means turn off the charm and beat the shit outta them... but by no means would I personally of burst into that situation with my fists first...
So the guy called up my friend saying he was a 'dead man walking' and he's going to regret 'ever picking that cab up because he just fucked with the wrong guy'. He told him he had half a mind to give it back, but now he's going to keep it for sure and that it sounds awesome, 'Thanks'. The guy flew into a blind rage after that screaming obscenities. So now I've got my friend pissed at me, and this dude is out to hunt him down.

I should have known this was a bad idea. Fuck. Should I call the cops?
So the guy called up my friend saying he was a 'dead man walking' and he's going to regret 'ever picking that cab up because he just fucked with the wrong guy'. He told him he had half a mind to give it back, but now he's going to keep it for sure and that it sounds awesome, 'Thanks'. The guy flew into a blind rage after that screaming obscenities. So now I've got my friend pissed at me, and this dude is out to hunt him down.

I should have known this was a bad idea. Fuck. Should I call the cops?

My friend called them up and they said they'd look into it. He described the situation about the trash and all, and they said he may need to return the cabinet but it was within the law to take it.

Yeah your friend is an asshole for stealing gear in studios, but the owner of the mesa is worse, I mean, leaving a mesa cab on the street, and then threatening you with a knife because you took it, what the hell?
The guy sounds like one of those twats who do this shit on purpose for an excuse to get into a fight... sure it's "stolen" by your friend.. but if your friend looks after it and gets preoper usage out of it, it's a good job.. however, I personally would sell it or redecorate it / replace the panels so you can't tell it's the same one...

what happens if your friend is playing on stage one day and the guy see's his cab?

Disguise it asap....

And being honest.. this friend of yours doesn't sound like much of a friend at all..