Aces High in pictures!


Sep 25, 2002
Novo Hamburgo, Brasil
I had some new pics and just thought I might share with you guys...

this weekend my friends gave a party, cuz it was the anniversary of their Black Sabbath cover band (Time Machine) and also of two of the band members (well, in fact one of them has a birthday only in 20th July, but they commemorated earlier to make just one party).

The party was in this small ranch/farm that belongs to the grandma of one of them. The party was on the big backyard, on open air, and it was really fucking cold. About 2 degrees celcius. Later in the night, around 5 am you could already see frost forming on the grass.

Their band played several songs, and i think its cool from this band is that they play songs from Ozzy, Dio, Gillan and Tony Martin eras.

Here are some pics

me and my new girlfriend, Alessandra

Diego, my friend since 7th grade and bassist of the band Time Machine

Joe Camel (dont know his real name :p) and his girlfriend. He plays in LAN parties with the rest of the guys.

Fernando (another friend, twin brother of Quinho), Alessandra and me. Dunno who is the guy on the right.

Parahin and his girlfriend. He works with Diego in an advertising agency and he is drummer of the thrash band Carniça.

the guys seeing the show. Those "distortions" are caused by the fires we had lit on these big barrels to keep everyone warm. There were at least 60 people in the party. Some of them were in other parts of the place, not everyone was in front of the stage. And some were in a small house smoking some pot...

Quinho (real name Henrique) in the morning, drinking quentão (wine, cinammon and sugar all VERY HOT... awesome to cold days)

Fly (real name Fabrício) and Tina (Bibi´s girlfriend). Fly was the guy who took all those night pics... he was very drunk, thats why the pics are so few and not all that good :)

ok, dunno who is this girl. Fly told me she was his classmate when he studied at PUC University in Porto Alegre

Matheus de Conto and that same girl.

Pohren and Bibi. Pohren is the band guitarrist and Bibi is the vocalist. Most of these guys are my friends since highschool. Thats almost 10 years already.

Bibi and Diego disassembling all the stage and stuff in the morning. From this angle its possible to have an idea of the place. In the background is not really a house, just some deposit and a barbecue place. You can also see the two barrels used for fire.