My crazy Friday night

Dr. Ummer

Oct 25, 2003
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On Friday night, my band played a battle of the bands in my home town. We got second place to some really shitty band called "White Cell" or something. I think the judges were kind of avoiding giving us first place to make theirselves look more open minded. We ended up winning more money than them anyway. After the show, we took a bunch of vodka up to the woods and started a camp fire. As soon as we all got pretty drunk, my bass player (Don) and his girlfriend sneaked off to his Jeep and started fuckin'. We were all just talking about the show, having a good time when, all of a sudden, Don's girlfriend kicks it into drive and his Jeep rolls right over the fire, bounces off three trees, and rolls about 500 feet off a steep ass mountain. I just stood there in awe for a few seconds and started running down to the wreck. Half way down, I hear Don screaming, "What the fuck happened?!" I got down there and found them both alive, with only a few scratches and bruises. We hiked back to the top, and took Don and his girlfriend home. We soon realized that all of our amps and heads were in the back of his Jeep. Without getiing any sleep, we waited a few hours for the sun to come up and we went down to see what we could save. There was a trail of broken trees and car pieces all the way to the wreck. We managed to wrestle the amps out of the Jeep and found the heads scattered in the bushes, then we hauled them all up to the top (which was hard as fuck) and took them to my house. They all stayed pretty much intact but I still have to test them to see if they work. After looking at Don's Jeep in the sunlight, I couldn't believe they were both still alive. :OMG:
Moral of the story - don't be a greedy bastard and have sex when there are others nearby who can't have the same pleasure. bad things will happen to you.
SculptedCold said:
Moral of the story - don't be a greedy bastard and have sex when there are others nearby who can't have the same pleasure. bad things will happen to you.

:D I'll have to tell Don what you said.

We had two guitar amps and one bass amp in the wreck. We tested the guitar amps yesterday and they worked just fine but we need to get a special kind of cord from Don to test the bass amp. If it doesn't work, it's gonna be the best example of karma I've ever seen.