AcmeBarGig Preampus BRAIN Released Today as Freeware


New Metal Member
May 4, 2009
Liverpool, UK
Hey guys, Preampus BRAIN is our latest freeware amp, we're all still kinda pumped about the Canadian release and the great comments about it, but we want to keep the momentum going and get these releases out!

Anyway, BRAIN is another amp in the Preampus 'line' if you will, I'll wait for Ken to check in here when he's fixed up from the dentist to tell you guys more about it, I'm stuck on my Mac now and still haven't got to try it out.


Anyway, download it at:

Or direct download the zip from

Thanks for all the support you guys give us, you fucking rule! :D
That's great man! Especially you guys always keeping releasing a lot of great plugins, I'm gonna have to try this one soon. :D
First of all, thanks for all the hard work on making such great free plugins!

this plugin sounds great, it definitely has a certain character that reminds me of the orange amps!

however the maximum output signal seems much lower that the other amp sims i've tried, can't get it over -13db with everything maxed out. may want to check it out.
Well cool guys, actually you may have to re-download it, I think I posted the wrong version to Scott! Man I'm a dumbass! Anyways I'll let you know when its redone...Zero, man thats a nice clean distortion...
Yeah sorry about that guys, anyone having trouble viewing the page in anything other than Firefox might have got a blank page, strange Javascript anomaly, sorted it now though so you should be able to view the page fine.
There's always been a setting I WISH my Marshall JMP1 preamp had. It's got Clean 1, Clean 2, OD1, and OD2. I've always wanted an in-between, it'd be called an OD1.5. BRAIN gives me exactly what I want. I throw a Tubescreamer in front of BRAIN and put everything to 11, except presence, which I put at 0. This is AWESOME.
very cool sound out of this thing. clean yet has a mean sound to it as well
Thanks guys sorry I did not get back to you all sooner, we had our family picnic today, was very cool, but I just got back...Thanks for checking brain out! Really.. Her's a thought for heavy tones from BRAIN, Run Scar in front of it..
First of all, thanks for all the hard work on making such great free plugins!

this plugin sounds great, it definitely has a certain character that reminds me of the orange amps!

however the maximum output signal seems much lower that the other amp sims i've tried, can't get it over -13db with everything maxed out. may want to check it out.

Thanks for your hard work, AcmeBarGig. It sounds sweet.
However, I'm getting the same problem as paladin shredder.
I've compensated for the low level o/p by cranking the o/p from Boogex (to +14dB).

Here's BRAIN in a song (not metal, but anyway...)
It's the centre-panned gat. The EQ and gain is set to 12 o’clock and presence is zeroed. Level and Master are maxed out.
The IR is catharsis' 1on-pres5.

Love Like Villains
Sinton very cool tune! For sure!! So thats BRAIN EH, Cool! Are you using our freeware Aftershock delay too?

KM, thanks for brain, great amp! :headbang:
But why its output level is so low? Is intended to be that way? :loco:
Thank you! :kickass:

Thanks for asking Coccoa, Well its intention was originally to be used with Cab Enhancer 2.1, Which gets driven very easily...But there will be an update very soon. Cab Enhancer would then be used to boost the signal...