AcmeBarGig Trance Gate 1.06 Freeware Release


May 11, 2009
This week we are releasing Our TranceGate version 1.06. This differs from previous TranceGate releases in many ways. First is the addition of a Dynamic Sweeping Adjustable Filter, and we took the Delay out of DIG and put it in as well.

What is a TranceGate?

Notice, there is a set of vertical bars. These bars represent volume levels, so if you imagine the signal travelling from Left to Right, as it hits a bar, the volume level of that bar is applied to it. If the bar is all the way at the top, the volume level is full, likewise all the way down it is off. There are also tempo in BPM, and Note duration. BPM is set by the host DAW, and if there is no DAW, then it is set to 120. The Note duration is Whole Note, Quarter Note, Half Note, etc.

There is also a Sweeping filter This is a Standard adjustable filter. LP,HP,BP etc are all selectable. The delay from DIG is also present in the TranceGate

You can get some very interesting Rythmical patterns using a TranceGate, as well as some interesting solo sounds..
Anyways, Any questions simply ask, we'll do our best to answer for you..and support is always available at the forums..

Here's the link, Enjoy...
POW! Right down on my desktop... thanks :)

I love effects like these. They are awesome to experiment with even in music where it is considered "cheating" or just "not true", like in metal and stuff. I have a very open mindset about everything though, and I love using electronica/techno style effects in experimental metal, so this will be useful indeed!

Thanks again, it looks solid!
POW! Right down on my desktop... thanks :)

I love effects like these. They are awesome to experiment with even in music where it is considered "cheating" or just "not true", like in metal and stuff. I have a very open mindset about everything though, and I love using electronica/techno style effects in experimental metal, so this will be useful indeed!

Thanks again, it looks solid!
+1. I only have one go to trance gate and this one looks good. Volume control seems intriguing...
Another job well done.

Hey guys, if you set this thing up with subtle settings on the volume bars and then use a sidechain compressor with it it kinda sounds like artificial speaker distortion. I tried it out and it sounds awesome, even more convincing than the original impulse.
I love these types of plugs, especially since I've been getting way more into experimental electronic type music. Thanks tons!!!!
Well Brett, you know you're getting big when you're on a first name basis with the VP of holy... :)

Anyways Thanks Guys..
Man I would love to see that happen....My guess is they may be a little heavy on CPU when wrapped, but should still work...If anyone does do this...Please let me know how it worked out..

Thanks for the question digital..