Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

flhctroll said:
Is there any way to change the preamp ohmage? It seems like it should be and easy thing to do. It says my mackie has got 1500 and this little Behringer 2 mic mixer I picked up has 2600. Any ideas?

Yeah, I would like to know this too. Or more about his "gizmo" if anyone find out let me know!
So if you have the front kick head on and put the mic in the hole of the front head, do you get a phasing issuse due to the mic being just over a foot away from the beater on your average drum?. I know alot of people like the Sm91 inside the kick along with a D12, or D6, or(insert yor favorite kick mic). should you adjust the phase for that as well?
I reckon it's relatively easy to compare the places where peaks occur and see the exact time distance between them (at least in Cubase). Every audio track in Cubase can be manually compensated in miliseconds, either back or forward, so that should solve phase issues.
It might be fun also in here to sum up what everybody EQ's on their kicks and what effects they put over it to get the sound they want.

I put a D112 in front of the (batter) head lined out by the beater about 3" away from the head.

60-80 boost
400 cut
3k cut
5500-6500 boost

Sometimes I use a compressor, and then again other times not...
For me I feel I get nice results with this, not the results I want get tho...YET!
Dude! that rocks!! cool set up!! How are you liking the Events?. I have the same ones and I love mine, I could listen for hours with out ear fatigue. We have allot of the same gear. Very cool thanks for that clip! Keep em coming!