Acoustic Drums for Metal: A Guide

Metalhead28 said:
Cool. Nice looking kit.
I got to looking through the pictures on your website. I know that girl in your pictures named Kera. I am good friends with her boyfriend. I used to play in a band with him in fact. Small world!

Have you guys played in the Evansville Area?

Yea we played at the 1123 about a year ago. We will probably go and play evansville again late summer. It was a fun show. I think we were the only ones there over 21....
madbutcher said:
Yea we played at the 1123 about a year ago. We will probably go and play evansville again late summer. It was a fun show. I think we were the only ones there over 21....
HELL YEAH THAT WAS A BADASS SHOW!! you guys played with i think Rotted Rebirth and my band eXesion. and you gotta come do it again! and metalhead just to let ya know we are opening for Cephalic Carnage May 15th at 1123 that shit is going to be killer!
I searched the thread but didn't come up with anything, what kind of kick mic stand is that? It's looks pretty good. The one's I've found seem like they would fall over if I tried to put a big kick drum mic at the end while the base was still outside the drum. Maybe someone else has reccomendations too?

madbutcher! Hahaha. I checked your myspace and found the DVDA link!

Does it get any better than "Now Your a Man" ????

Maynnm... maynnnymanny maayyhnnn... now yer a maayuuhnn... live it.

Since I came into a bunch of slightly used lumber recently, I built a platform for the drumset today. Made a big difference, even with my crappy set with old-ass heads and busted cymbals :lol:

And nailing blocks down to hold the set together was helpful and fun to do :kickass:

Gonna work on the ceiling when I can get some fiberglass battings...
Nitronium Blood said:
So what do you guys think of the new KSE drummer's minmalistic drum set up approach?

You mean Justin? I think he's the shit on the kit. Totally chopsy and intricate mother trucker. Just proves you dont need a big flashy 24 piece badonka-donk kit to kick ass.
Agreed. Go check out Entobmed's "Wolverine Blues." I do believe (I could be wrong) that it was done on a 4 piece. I'd rather listen to (and record) a creative drummer on a small kit than a wanker on on an existential monstrosity.

Remember, it's not "what you play" it's "how you play it."

EtherForBreakfast said:
madbutcher! Hahaha. I checked your myspace and found the DVDA link!

Does it get any better than "Now Your a Man" ????

Maynnm... maynnnymanny maayyhnnn... now yer a maayuuhnn... live it.


Dude, Matt and Trey are my idols. DVDA rules. I have a live show recording of them and it's awesome, like 6 songs."Now your a man", extended version, being one of them. I think they have only played a few live shows.

Musickey, yea it was you guys, funeral eucharist, and I think 2 more bands I can't think the names of right now.
Sinister Mephisto said:
I searched the thread but didn't come up with anything, what kind of kick mic stand is that? It's looks pretty good. The one's I've found seem like they would fall over if I tried to put a big kick drum mic at the end while the base was still outside the drum. Maybe someone else has reccomendations too?


Sorry to bump, :blush: just trying to figure this out and didn't want the thread to go to page 2. Hell, it shouldn't be on page 2 anyway. :D
madbutcher said:
Dude, Matt and Trey are my idols. DVDA rules. I have a live show recording of them and it's awesome, like 6 songs."Now your a man", extended version, being one of them. I think they have only played a few live shows.

Full blown matt and trey PLAYING A SHOW? "Now you're a mayuhn" is a classic. Do you have footage?
Bumped from page 12 :kickass:

Got a D6 and a Røde NT-4 last week (fixed XY SDCs, yadda yadda :Smug:, but I need them for field recording).

I'm already stoked, and I haven't even added any other mics.

But, of course, I now need a better audio interface so I can multitrack drums :erk:
EdwardPayne said:
I have a question.. If i choose to put a mic on every cymbal in a set, should I put up two overhead mics aswell or will is sound bad maybe?

Use over heads just incase the close cymbal mics sound crap. They most likely will if they have annoying rings in them or if you put the mics too close. When you do this though, keep in mind the 3:1 rule RE: all the mics. It would be best if you mic the cymbals from the outer most edge (away from the kit) keeping about a foot from the cymbal, and when you do the OH keep them high to make sure the phase isn't an issue. As long as the OH are in phase with them selves you should then be good.
Good luck, you'll have many options when you finally get to mix.

~BURNY~ said:
Just a side note If some of you didn't figure this yet...
The phase aligning trick with oh as a reference point will work only with XY pair.
It's interesting sometimes, and sometimes it's not as Oznimbus mentioned.

??? why is that? I've been doing it with the stereo pair spaced with the 3:1 rule ala Mr. Murphy amd it makes a huge difference in the clarity of the drums.