Acoustic treatment for a medium-size, irregularly shaped room?


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
There have been a lot of really great threads and resources posted recently about room treatment for acoustic purposes, and I've finally got my room/studio cleaned out to where I feel like showing it off :lol: Now, I need to treat it. Most of the threads I've seen have been about treating very small rooms, and my room is quite a bit bigger than a lot of what gets shown... and also isn't shaped very regularly, making this a bit more complex I am sure.

Anyway, here is an inaccurate floor plan:


The wall on the right is pretty much totally bare. The wall on the left has three doors which lead into the closets. And the bottom wall, directly facing my speakers, is also bare, but has my bed ( a bass trap? :D )

Here are some pictures:

From the top-right, where the room opens up:

The bed section:

The wall between the bed section and the other wall:

My desk:


Where should I focus most of the treatment? Obviously the wall facing the speakers needs it the most, but where else? And also, what kind of treatment? I am making broadband absorption panels with Ultratouch insulation, 4" thick, but what else could I do ( DIY and cheap preferred :D )?

Also, is the desk in the optimal position, or should I move it somewhere else? Maybe facing from the right wall to the left, or vice versa?

damn, i thought someone would have helped you by now. I saw this thread this morning but didn't have any time to write.

Rotate the bed 90*, if possible get a smaller bed.

Move the stereo system to with your 'studio' gear.

The monitors seem a bit close together, It looks like you have stands, but I'm not sure. Move the whole desk closer to the center of the room (width wise), and space the monitors another 6" apart on each side of the desk.

You'll definitely want that treatment in there soon.
2 on the Back wall behind you, 1 left and 1 right of your mix position and 1 above you at the very least.

All those doors makes things less than ideal
Thanks for all the advice! Yeah, the doors complicate things... It's hardly ideal, but I think it is workable for sure. I plan on repainting the room, and when I put the treatment up I will add some ambient lighting to make it more bearable.

Do you think that flipping the desk 90 degrees either way would help? It's currently offset, about 5' from one wall and a good 10-12' from the other wall. Would placing it either more in the middle, or flipping it and then middling it in that space help?
you want it in the middle unless you can put up a wall or something to make it even.

My room is basically an 7 (upside down L) shape. When I mix I put a large cubicle divider on my left side so I have broadband treatment evenly on both sides. Makes a big difference in the imaging.

Too bad you don't have windows. My place is dank but it's dank by choice LOL. The entire front wall of my place is windows with black curtains covering.