Actual Iron Maiden Downunder news

I think the silver and gold ones are in different directions. :)
Both the tickets I have are GOLD. Someone else mentioned the printing slant earlier I was just backing up the claim that Melb & Sydney tickets were printed in different directions.:u-huh: I'm not actually going to Melb though, a friend of mine is using that ticket. :)
I was offline for a few days, so didn't find out about the second shows until it was too late to get a good seat. There are still upper silver ones available, but.... I've got two spare silver tickets for the first Melbourne show, and I'd like to do a straight swap for similar ones for the second show. Finding a taker might be the hard part.
Melb is horizontal and says its General Admission (GA2) which is the floor. Melb have no barrier so I figure the "2" part means you enter the arena via a door towards the back but still on the floor. I'm only guessing but it seems logical. My Sydney ticket is vertical - bring on the new year! \m/
Got one of the Sydney tickets, I'm guessing the others are still at the post office waiting to be collected - there was a wee "you still have more mail" and a parcel/registered letter thing addressed to me in the box.