Actual Iron Maiden Downunder news

Well, that just means they'll play something from the album. I can only see Caught Somewhere in Time working as a concert opener, and seeing as Aces High will take that spot I'm assuming CSiT will miss out.

The songs I expect them to play:

Aces High
2 Minutes to Midnight
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Wasted Years
Heaven Can Wait
The Evil That Men Do
The Clairvoyant
Iron Maiden
Hallowed Be Thy Name

And throw in a few more. On the Triple J interview Bruce said that they had decided to play one or two Number of the Beast songs, and obviously they'll play Iron Maiden. They did play Another Life on the Early Days tour so maybe we'll see something a bit out of left field on this one (and yes, I know they played Another Life on the Beast on the Road tour, so I guess it shouldn't have been that much of a surprise).
Yeah on the early days tour they played Another Life and Murders In The Rue Morgue, and came out to The Ides Or March, which was cool, and on the 25th Anniversary of NOTB tour (A Matter of The Beast), they played Children of the Damned, so there could be a surprise or two.
I don't think we'll see them pull out Flash of the Blade or Alexander the Great though. They'll restrict themselves to the popular ones they've already played live.
Yeah on the early days tour they played Another Life and Murders In The Rue Morgue, and came out to The Ides Or March, which was cool, and on the 25th Anniversary of NOTB tour (A Matter of The Beast), they played Children of the Damned, so there could be a surprise or two.

ooooo Children of the Damneddddd:headbang::headbang::headbang:
From the Fan club Forum today .......

First To The Barrier


Just a heads up since our new members probably haven't done this before!

'First to the barrier' is our fanclub draw where 60 members (plus a guest) get into the venue ahead of the doors being opened to the public, and thus are 'first to the barrier'.

We won't be running the draw until Jan / Feb next year (you enter your name for whichever gigs you fancy and get picked at random) but if you fancy taking part you need to make sure you buy the right tickets now.

Basically - standing ticket, front section. I believe all the aussie venues have a front section and a rear section on the floor, obviously if you want to be right up at the stage, you'll need a front section ticket. Ticketek are going to highlight this section on their site so you know where to buy from.

If you don't have tickets for that section, you won't be eligible for the First To The Barrier draw - so think now whether you'd be interested or not!
Something tells me I'm not going to feel like listening to any Maiden for a while. Oh well, at least I've still got The Police to look forward to and Heaven And Hell to look back on.

W(istful sighs of the recently bereft)
Doesn't Adelaide have a bit of a reputation for shit turnouts? Maybe that has finally come back to bite them on the arse.

Wrath, if you don't mind me asking, is it logistics, money, or a combination of both that stops you from considering travelling to another city to see them?
Most concerts here sell pretty well, it's just that round these parts we always wait until the last possible second to buy tickets.

Logistics are the main obstacle, Blitz. I have enough grief organising transport to and accessible seating in local venues, let alone interstate where I don't know my way around or even who to ask for the help I might need. If not for that sort of crap, I'd go to the Melbourne and Sydney shows in a heartbeat and bring back T-shirts for all.

This is fuckin rad news, I'll be there for sure!! Unreal that they are bringing a Powerslave era stage too and a classic setlist, considering they havent been here in 15 years and that was only a mini-tour anyway!!

Sucks that they won't go to Adelaide though, they really should.
Yeah Trixxi, they should! I feel real bad for Wrathy but for me its become a nightmare of which city to go to, Melbourne or Sydney. I've never been to Sydney before and its the bigger venue so maybe a bigger stage show... I dunno, any Sydneysiders got any thoughts/useful info on the venue?
Most concerts here sell pretty well, it's just that round these parts we always wait until the last possible second to buy tickets.

Logistics are the main obstacle, Blitz. I have enough grief organising transport to and accessible seating in local venues, let alone interstate where I don't know my way around or even who to ask for the help I might need. If not for that sort of crap, I'd go to the Melbourne and Sydney shows in a heartbeat and bring back T-shirts for all.


so why don't you ask, you've been a member since 2001 you must know some people in one of the 4 citys and maybe you could get them a shirt to say thanks. just a thought.:kickass:
The thing is, not many people here actually like Wrathchild. He's done some pretty despicable things to a few of us in the past (he won't mind me being candid - you'd be surprised at what he's said on this public forum previously) and preventing him from seeing Maiden live is a just punishment.

Actually, I jest. The majority of us know what Wrathy's situation is and feel for him. If there was anything we could do to facilitate his seeing Maiden then I'm sure we would give it a go.
Surely if we all just post on here obsessively about how great the shows were and how we've all fulfilled our life's ambition and that our lives are now fully complete and we're now one with nature, that would make up for it, wouldn't it? It'd be just the same?