AdamWathan's Reaper Customizations for Pro Tools Users

pretty cool stuff man. I'm still having some problems with reaper on my macbookpro, but it's definitely a good starting point for me.

1 question though.... do the Function keys still work for the tools in reaper? I havn't actually tested it yet.....
So I updated my reaper(windows 64 bit) and the options-show source option isn't there anymore. wtf? :\
Works great...Just need to find PT key maps, so i know what key does what.

Actions > Show Actions List

Adam, been testing it for a bit, the only thing I've picked up on is what I'm assuming is a north american/european keyboard discrepancy.

The shortcut for opening the mixer window was set to Ctrl+=, but that wouldn't work for me, I'm assuming because = is a different key over there, so I had to reset that for my keyboard. Even though the key command was exactly the same it only worked when I reset it.

Other than that, all dandy.
What would be cool for us non-PT users, would be to explain us what are the changes made, what has been removed, what has been added, so that we can clearly get what is going on, because we don't know how PT editing work. I, for example, am interested in this if it can make editing easier, and not to have it PL-like only, because I don't use PT already :)
Yeah I am going to make a bunch of quick tutorial videos on how to handle all the basic areas of my workflow. Will start on them today and probably post a couple.

The customization are for Pro Tools users though :P so I'm not going to rewrite the whole PT manual...
Trying to install all my preferences and stuff seems to be a bit of a pain in the ass so I'm going to do a 5 minute video as well just going through my preferences so you guys can just manually match them, then import the keymap and menuset and be done.
"change the dropdown to "Main File (&File)" and Import the same menu set again" doesn't appear to change anything..........

It changes a bunch of OTHER context menus. Try right clicking on a track in the arrange window, or in empty space in the arrange window, or on a media item. I left all the File menus the same, but the right click context menus are a lot different.

I just chose File because it was the first one on the list. The reality is just that you have to import the menuset twice, once in one of the several "Toolbar" options in the dropdown, and then once in any of the other menu options.
It changes a bunch of OTHER context menus. Try right clicking on a track in the arrange window, or in empty space in the arrange window, or on a media item. I left all the File menus the same, but the right click context menus are a lot different.

I just chose File because it was the first one on the list. The reality is just that you have to import the menuset twice, once in one of the several "Toolbar" options in the dropdown, and then once in any of the other menu options.

I see, I get it now.

I notice that your setup has changed a lot since you posted the slip editing video, how would recommend approaching that now?
Thanks for this Adam, it' totally awesome. The one thing that's bugging me about the switch though is I want my mouse wheel zooming back. Can anyone help a brotha out ? :blush:

It's all the actions list, just edit it there. Myself i changed alt+mousewheel to be horizontal scroll and shift+mousewheel to be horizontal zoom instead of the other way round that Adam has it, just personal preference.
awesome thread. you have put in an incredible and appreciated effort.

for a non-pro tools person just looking into reaper now, would you suggest or recommend going with these customizations?
awesome thread. you have put in an incredible and appreciated effort.

for a non-pro tools person just looking into reaper now, would you suggest or recommend going with these customizations?

As another non pro tools person but having worked with several DAWs over the last few years, the customisations here are (by and large) excellent, irrelevant of the fact that many ape pro tools. Also, watching the videos and going through the process of changing everything will give you good insight into different workflows.