AdamWathan's Reaper Customizations for Pro Tools Users

I see, I get it now.

I notice that your setup has changed a lot since you posted the slip editing video, how would recommend approaching that now?

Alt+B is my "Split at cursor with crossfade" action now but otherwise it's the same. Alt+mousewheel is horizontal zoom for consistency with Pro Tools, but I added Alt+Cmd+Mousewheel as another command for horiz scroll, so I just add Cmd on the left hand when I want to scroll, still holding Alt the whole time.
After using these mods for a full day and getting them tweaked to my liking, I have to say that they are even more impressive than I had first thought. The right click menus alone make life SO much easier, so thanks again for this mod you did Adam, because it's pure gold:notworthy Anyway, I got a few questions, hopefully they don't come off as ungrateful.

1. Why group all simultaneously recorded tracks together automatically? I take it that this is just your personal preference because you do a lot of recording with one musician at a time, and not so many recordings with multiple musicians playing at the same time, or am I missing something?

2. Why make the record function automatically switch over to regular recording mode? It seems like it makes sense, but if you don't want to quick-punch and you select an auto-punching mode instead, it's going to switch back to regular mode when you hit your record shortcut. Again, am I feel like I am missing something:u-huh:

3. When you have a track with a bunch of different takes displayed in lanes, is there a way to select which take AND time selection you want in one go? I know I'm getting greedy on this one, but as of right now I have to make the time selection and then click on the take that I want. What would be awesome, is if I could right click and marquee the time selection and the take at the same time.

4. How come the custom color set makes your theme look so awesome, but every other theme look like crap:lol: I'm guessing a custom color set would have to be made for each theme right?
That's epic stuff Adam, thanks. Gone far beyond what I'd initially hoped for when we asked if you could share your customization with us.

As an aside, do you recommend the x64 version of Reaper? Is the bit bridge effective, and if so, does it create a lot of CPU overhead with 32-bit plugs?
I don't have any technical information on the subject, but there seems to be lots of happy x64 users on the REAPER forums. I would say give it a whirl :rock:

Edit: Did a search on REAPER's forums, it seems like as long as your interface has drivers for x64 then it is pretty solid. One issue is apparently if you have a 32 bit plugin running it will appear separately from the rest of your FX chain. I got this info from the thread below, you may want to skim through it.
After using these mods for a full day and getting them tweaked to my liking, I have to say that they are even more impressive than I had first thought. The right click menus alone make life SO much easier, so thanks again for this mod you did Adam, because it's pure gold:notworthy Anyway, I got a few questions, hopefully they don't come off as ungrateful.

1. Why group all simultaneously recorded tracks together automatically? I take it that this is just your personal preference because you do a lot of recording with one musician at a time, and not so many recordings with multiple musicians playing at the same time, or am I missing something?

Yeah you have it exactly right! I only ever record one musician at a time and adding that function to the macro means that anything recorded at the same time is automatically grouped. So DI + Amp Track is grouped automatically just because they were recorded at once and same with drum tracks. This is an annoying workaround for edit groups since we don't have them in Reaper yet :/ I am making a video about this shortly but maybe I should remove that from the keymap as default and just leave it there with no action in case someone likes the idea and wants to use it to save themselves from having to group everything manually.

2. Why make the record function automatically switch over to regular recording mode? It seems like it makes sense, but if you don't want to quick-punch and you select an auto-punching mode instead, it's going to switch back to regular mode when you hit your record shortcut. Again, am I feel like I am missing something:u-huh:

This is because I use 2 different record macros. I was going to explain this in the "Mimicking Quick Punch" video, so here it is, just did it especially for you! ;)

3. When you have a track with a bunch of different takes displayed in lanes, is there a way to select which take AND time selection you want in one go? I know I'm getting greedy on this one, but as of right now I have to make the time selection and then click on the take that I want. What would be awesome, is if I could right click and marquee the time selection and the take at the same time.

There are a lot of complaints about the take system in general :/ I don't think you can do what you want but it does sound like a neat feature. I personally do not use the takes system in Reaper at all. The only thing I use it for is to still have copies of vocal tracks before I "apply track FX" when I'm autotuning or VocAligning them. I have it set so takes do not display in lanes which I toggle with cmd+L, so I can tune a vocal, "apply track fx" to it and then I'm done with autotune so I disable it in the FX chain. Then if I ever need the original vocal track, I just hit cmd+L, select the previous take, and retune it or do whatever I want to it.

But yeah, I never ever use the take system for actual take comping, but I also never really record takes. I have Reaper set to "Trim behind media items when recording" so takes don't even get created while recording. I never "pick the best take", I just keep trying until it's good enough to keep. If I think I need to try recording it again, then the last one wasn't good enough so there's no reason to keep it around anyways, but in the case that I do want to keep it, just control+windows+alt+V, that will copy it to a new track and mute that track. Sort of like copying to a new playlist in Pro Tools.

Going to make a video about take comping in Reaper as well, but NOT using the takes system! ;)

4. How come the custom color set makes your theme look so awesome, but every other theme look like crap:lol: I'm guessing a custom color set would have to be made for each theme right?

Haha this is because Reaper uses item_bg.png and item_selbg.png. These are dumb images that are overlayed on media items in normal themes and give them that retarded 3D look with the gradient shadow effect making colored items look like shit. In my theme, I deleted those images from the theme resource directory to make my regions look like Pro Tools regions and it looks WAY better IMO!

Good questions! If anyone has any others even if they aren't related to the customizations just ask, I am more than willing to make videos to cover things people want to know about if they are considering the Reaper switch.
Thanks for the insanely quick response and even making a new video, you fuggin rawk :rock: I completely forgot that quick-punching would put you back into time-selection punch mode. My solution, is to take set to record normal mode out of the play function and instead put it into the punch-out function. I thought I had comping down with a single track displaying multiple takes and a comp track, but all of the takes were being copied without me realizing because the track was minimized :(

Gah... as much as i love REAPER, the take system a piece of crap! You can't even have all your takes on one track and your comp on another track... you have to make a separate track for each take or deal with the default ways of comping and they are crap! Sure, you can do your comping with takes on separate tracks and then mute and and hide them all from your TCP... but then they are still there in the mixer, And if you delete them and you decide you want to recomp later you have to reimport things. You are stuck with clutter no matter what. Maybe I am jumping the gun and Adam has a magical system for comping in REAPER but as of right now I hate it!
Hey dude here's the take comping video!

Take Comping:

As I explain in the video there are a couple drawbacks. #1 being that you can't use it for multiple tracks at once, so it's no good for comping anything but vocals or bass DI, or guitar DI if you are monitoring through an amp sim :/. #2 is that you can't easily preview each take in context, only in solo. It still works fine for me for these purposes but I expect the take system to get a serious overhaul in Reaper 4 which sounds like it will be out in a few months.
Am I right in thinking that there's no way of being able to quick punch twice? For example you quick punch in, then out, then in again, then out again? Currently you lose the furst quick punch when you start the second
Am I right in thinking that there's no way of being able to quick punch twice? For example you quick punch in, then out, then in again, then out again? Currently you lose the furst quick punch when you start the second

Correct, I have been begging for a proper native Quickpunch function but this hackjob work around is the best I have right now.

Using regular record mode you can hit play, then punch in and out as many times as you like just by hitting record, but this doesn't preserve what was played when the transport isn't recording like Pro Tools does... IMO, if a track is record enabled, Reaper should be recording that track in the background any time you hit play so that performances can always be recovered if you punch in 5ms too late.
thanks for doing this! lots of golden stuff in there, i'll go and try it out ASAP.

two little things about takes and autopunch, though:
- i wonder why you're actually prefering "normal" record mode over time selection auto punch? i pretty much always find myself using the latter, as it's preserving everything outside of the time selection too just like you mentioned, so there's no harm done. i wonder what to you are the downsides of time selection auto punch vs normal recording mode?
- where exactly do you see the drawbacks of reapers take system? tbh i've never used protools so far, but i'm actually quite used to the take system of seems to make comping pretty easy. just split and click on the take you want to use....once you consolidate it'll delete all the unused takes anyways so there's no clutter left come mixing time. what do you feel are the advantages of playlist-style comping vs reaper take comping?

once again, thanks a lot for doing this! :)
Correct, I have been begging for a proper native Quickpunch function but this hackjob work around is the best I have right now.

Using regular record mode you can hit play, then punch in and out as many times as you like just by hitting record, but this doesn't preserve what was played when the transport isn't recording like Pro Tools does... IMO, if a track is record enabled, Reaper should be recording that track in the background any time you hit play so that performances can always be recovered if you punch in 5ms too late.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Were you aware that if you are working with track folders then "render selected items to stem tracks and mute originals" in the right click menu of the folder track itself renders the entire folder to a separate track, which provides a faster than realtime alternative to your method.
cheers adam for doing this, you are awesome!

Im just trying to find the "SWS Color Management" action and nothing is showing up......I have never used reaper before so I hope I'm doing nothing wrong. using the latest version of reaper (downloaded today), but using the 64 bit version as I couldn't open the 32 bit one without it crashing before anything opens up.

How well does Reaper deal with outboard gear? In terms of mix use, does it's delay compensation provide phase accuracy to the originals?

reainsert (i think that's what it's called) is a plugin that connects to outboard gear and treats them as inserts. It has a ping button to test the latency caused and it then reports that to delay compensation. Individual instances can be renamed manually for easy identification
thanks for doing this! lots of golden stuff in there, i'll go and try it out ASAP.

two little things about takes and autopunch, though:
- i wonder why you're actually prefering "normal" record mode over time selection auto punch? i pretty much always find myself using the latter, as it's preserving everything outside of the time selection too just like you mentioned, so there's no harm done. i wonder what to you are the downsides of time selection auto punch vs normal recording mode?

There are massive downsides. For example, how using time selection mode can you just hit record and start recording, then finish recording whenever you feel like it? Time Selection Auto Punch mode only punches in over a time selection, so you need to have a time selection created for it to work properly. If you DON'T have a time selection, it ignores your Input Monitoring setting and monitors input the entire time, even over top of stuff that's already on the track.

It's ONLY use is if you are punching in over a predefined area of time since that's what it's for... You can't really use it to record a track from scratch since there is nothing to punch in :/ And you can't manually punch in either. You can't just punch in, you have to have a punch out point defined as well. Imagine you are recording a drummer, he messes up after the first chorus, you want to punch him in so he can finish the song. You can't. You would have to zoom in, start the time selection, zoom alllll the way out and extend the time selection to some arbitrary point later in the song, then punch in over that whole section :/ Easier to just use regular record mode and hit play, then hit record when you want to punch in, or use my punch in macros that allows you to start the punch in via key command, but you need to be using my project template for that to work :/ Punching in manually in Reaper SUCKS.

I need to be able to punch in WITHOUT punching out, and to be able to do it manually via key command on the fly, so I just stick with normal record mode 99% of the time and am just careful to always punch in BEFORE the actual part I need so my punch ins aren't late :/ Or I use the punch in macros I created.

- where exactly do you see the drawbacks of reapers take system? tbh i've never used protools so far, but i'm actually quite used to the take system of seems to make comping pretty easy. just split and click on the take you want to use....once you consolidate it'll delete all the unused takes anyways so there's no clutter left come mixing time. what do you feel are the advantages of playlist-style comping vs reaper take comping?

once again, thanks a lot for doing this! :)

The big drawbacks to Reaper's take system are the automatic splitting of takes and no take lanes which makes takes super super unorganized. Try punching in several takes that aren't the same length... Watch this vid:

I originally didn't understand how it could be better either and I thought it was fine but Logic for example deals with takes MUCH better, and I definitely prefer the Pro Tools way to the Reaper way. About 1 out of every 10 threads on the Reaper Forum is "What the hell is going on with my takes?!" :lol: It's ugly ugly ugly ugly man!
Thanks for clearing that up.

Were you aware that if you are working with track folders then "render selected items to stem tracks and mute originals" in the right click menu of the folder track itself renders the entire folder to a separate track, which provides a faster than realtime alternative to your method.

It's not always faster than realtime. Reaper runs ALL the FX on all the other tracks in the background when rendering a track, just to be safe if there are sends and receives and stuff happening from other tracks, so if you have a big project you have to sit and wait while it renders. Making selections and pasting them to the track folder itself is a lot quicker, especially since using the render method you would have to go through all the take tracks and mute the items you don't like and don't want in the final comp. Either that or you would trim them all to make one cohesive take between them but you would then lose easy visual feedback of how long each take actually was in case you need to go back and find another version of something on a different take.
cheers adam for doing this, you are awesome!

Im just trying to find the "SWS Color Management" action and nothing is showing up......I have never used reaper before so I hope I'm doing nothing wrong. using the latest version of reaper (downloaded today), but using the 64 bit version as I couldn't open the 32 bit one without it crashing before anything opens up.


I don't think there is a 64 bit OS X version of the SWS extensions. That's weird that the 32 bit version of Reaper crashes on open, I am on 10.6.2 here on OS X running it with no problems :erk: That's a bummer, is it conflicting with another open DAW or something? Maybe try a reinstall?