Adding protection to a cabinet?


Apr 21, 2014
Montreal, Canada
Hi all,

I was curious to ask for your opinions on a subject and I was also hoping that perhaps some of you have experience with what I am about to discuss.

I have an ENGL Invader 100, but when I bought it, I was not able to afford the ENGL cabinet, so until today I've been using what I already had. I was waiting to have enough money to buy a ENGL cab (XXL or Pro, haven't decided). For those that might be tempted to suggest buying a Mesa cab, or even an Orange cab, I must add that even though ENGL products are rare and quite expensive where I live, I like their tone. Plus, I must admit that I do like the fact of having a complete ENGL half-stack kit! :loco:

So, all that being said, a guy sells his ENGL cab (not sure if XXL or Pro, don't remember) not so far from here. Interesting since it's 400$ cheaper than a new one.

He admitted that there are some scratches here and there, I believe on the corners. So he said that he wanted to add some protection before selling it to me. He had checker plate in mind, but was open to suggestions.

Has any of you ever tried this? I'm really sceptical, not sure it's that great of an idea. Isn't it going to affect tone somehow?

I assume he wants to protect the corners, but then I ain't sure about where exactly he wants to put this. Moreover, I have no information on how he intends to fix it on the cab.
You're asking people here to give you reassurance that the guy isn't shoddy or attempting a scam?

I'd say pony up the extra $400, and save yourself a headache.
You're asking people here to give you reassurance that the guy isn't shoddy or attempting a scam?

I'd say pony up the extra $400, and save yourself a headache.

Nope, that is not what I was asking. I asked if anybody here has ever attempted to add protection to a cab and if so, if the final result had any effect on the tone.

I'll decide if he's shady or not.

Just wanted to base my decision on experience. But considering that nobody answered the question, I already called the guy a few days back to tell him I was not interested. For me it doesn't feel right and there is nothing that proves me otherwise.
I meant to say that since you were not sure about the deal or the guy then yeah, it was best to avoid taking a risk. IMO, anyway.
Engl cabs are really heavy and solid, you can probably throw them out of a plane.
All that´s gonna happen will be the magnets cracking off the speaker chassis, but the cabs´ walls are roughly 1 1/2" thick.

As long as it´s done properly, so the plate can´t move and make noises, it´s fine (but ugly as hell)
All that´s gonna happen will be the magnets cracking off the speaker chassis, but the cabs´ walls are roughly 1 1/2" thick.
Their site does state they use 14-ply plywood, but I seriously doubt it's more than 3/4" thick, like Orange cabs.
Engl Pro are made of 33 or 35mm, if remembered correctly. One of the 2x12" lives in the studio, and it´s definitely more than 3/4" walls