Adrenaline Mob - Russell Allen / Mike Portnoy new project

Funny how you blokes jump to conclusions based on so short sound clips!

well, there's three camps.

1: Jumps to the conclusion based on short clips that pending album sucks.
2: Jumps to the conclusion based on short clips that pending album slays all.
3: Jumps... and sits back down and types something like "reserving opinion till hear full thing".

While the 1st camp can annoy fans, I generally don't fault them nearly as much as I fault the 2nd camp. The former are likely people who've heard this sort of thing before and comparatively weren't impressed, OR they're really closed-minded OR they're picky.

The latter are just fanboy nerds who will buy anything band X makes wholesale.
not digging the soft rhythm guitar parts. Im not surprised but i was still hoping deep down inside that it would sound metal even though they confirmed it wont be. Its like:

Harry Potter DH1 Spoilers!!!1

Its like every time i watch Deathly Hallows 1 i think "Maybe the knife wont go through this time and Dobby will live, just maybe!"

He dies every time and life sucks.