[New Project] Mike Portnoy starts work with Russell Allen

Cool idea, but how about Russell Allen gets his ass out of the billion side projects, and symphony x start working as a band more! I mean 2 albums in 9 years, come on...

I agree with you that 2 albums in 9 years is pretty few... but I don't think its really fair to blame Russ. If I had to guess I would say he is doing more side projects BECAUSE they have so much time between albums.
I'm not blaming Russ, he is my hero! And I love the majority of his side projects, but the whole idea of side projects is you do them on the side. These so called, 'Side' projects have been pushed to the front. I have a hard time believing he put more work into iconoclast and paradise lost in the past 9 years than he has his side projects. But you are right, its not his fault. Can't blame the guy for wanting to spread his voice, do what he loves, and make a few bucks in the process. If anything I think its great that he is keeping his voice in practice, and doing so many different things.

But when it comes to me being an irritated fan boy. I just want new symphony x. Two albums in nine years.... Call me ignorant, but I just don't see how doing 9+ side projects in 9 years is bringing me closer to another symphony x album.

Also to boot, id rather have an other Lande & Allen, Star One, to this. Isn't Portnoy washed up these days anyway? I mean how can you go from dream theater to a7x? (than they got rid of him too) IMO he was bringing Dream Theater down in the later days, with his sob stories. So of all the musicians id like to see Allen work with, Portnoy is not at the top of my list!
Cool idea, but how about Russell Allen gets his ass out of the billion side projects, and symphony x start working as a band more! I mean 2 albums in 9 years, come on...

Did you ever think that the slow pace of releases is WHY he's doing side projects, and not that the side projects are what is slowing things down?
of course I did, I just didn't post that half lol. I did say call me ignorant heh. I love hearing Russell Allen every chance I get, it just intrigues me I hear him more on bootlegged youtube vids and side projects. Many of which were not even mentioned here, not on the website or forums. Have the guys hit such hard times that it takes 5 years between each album? have they lost that much creativity? is life that busy for them? I mean obviously all are possible, and it would be selfish of me, or anyone to think that we come before family. But I still find it odd. I hope all is well and the symphony x front, as well as their bandmates/family.

On a side note, didn't Russ have a kid? You would think a child would get in the way of said side projects, or pay the bills as you mentioned. I guess its not Russell's fault than. I retract my previous post. I was irrational!
But when it comes to me being an irritated fan boy. I just want new symphony x. Two albums in nine years.... Call me ignorant, but I just don't see how doing 9+ side projects in 9 years is bringing me closer to another symphony x album.

humm when the new album comes out it will be 3 albums in 9 years. I'll take the slow pace knowing that it's a well thought out effort versus a couple decent tunes and bunch of filler material.

humm when the new album comes out it will be 3 albums in 9 years. I'll take the slow pace knowing that it's a well thought out effort versus a couple decent tunes and bunch of filler material.


Well, yes... but it also depends on when you start counting, or when you stop counting. We should be counting the time that the new album will remain current for... for example, the next few years until the album after Iconoclast is being released.
Two years from now, if their "current" album is still Iconoclast, that will be 3 albums in 11 years.

If this is not being done, then we would have to start the clock the day after The Odyssey was released, not counting it, and considering it two albums in 9 years.