[New Project] Mike Portnoy starts work with Russell Allen

Well, yes... but it also depends on when you start counting, or when you stop counting. We should be counting the time that the new album will remain current for... for example, the next few years until the album after Iconoclast is being released.
Two years from now, if their "current" album is still Iconoclast, that will be 3 albums in 11 years.

If this is not being done, then we would have to start the clock the day after The Odyssey was released, not counting it, and considering it two albums in 9 years.

The Odyssey was released late 2002. December 2002 to December 2011 = 9 years. I completely acknowledge that the band has taken time between releases. I also think they put forth a quality effort with each successive release. And they have done a solid job of expanding their fanbase with each release. I am looking forward to see how they do with Iconoclast as I only believe they will continue to justify the path they are on. There is a level of commitment to crafting solid and cohesive works that most bands readily cast aside. Banging out an album quickly just isn't the way this band works.

They expand their fanbase only to dissapoint, with lack luster updates lol. I agree, id prefer an awesome album every 5 years, than a shitty one every year. But, for example. Paradise Lost is one of their weaker albums, yet took some of the most time. This is 'NOT' the path I want, or anyone wants for the band. If they keep releasing lower quality albums, and a longer rate. The fans are going to be gone, the forums are some indication of that.

I too am excited for Iconoclast though, I have high hopes. Very high hopes :)
I'm really happy Portnoy didn't stay with that awful emo band. I'm also happy that I'll be getting more of Russell Allen with this project, but it kinda makes me worried that the new SX album might be delayed even further if he has time to participate in all these projects.

Doing a solo album (or undaunted or w/e they decided to call it), portnoy project and an sx album at the same time? Ah well, I guess anything is possible if we look at how Devin Townsend manages everything - Releasing 2 albums every 2 years and spamming twitter once an hour, aswell as playing ridiculously high quality live gigs.
Undaunted is most likely the follower of Atomic Soul. It was announced like 2-3 years ago that Russell is working on a new solo album with Mike Orlando that was supposed to be released mid-summer 2009, and a few months ago we got that sample song.

As for the Allen/Portnoy project, I don't know anything about it yet. Last info is probably MP telling on his forums that it won't be a supergroup, or something along those lines.
Hey guys! BIG update! The project IS Undaunted. Mike Portnoy has joined in with them. Go to the MP FB page and he says he's with Russel and Mike Orlando (That's the Undaunted lineup!).
Phanto, fabulous. I am LMAO right this minute. Good one.

I honestly don't give a good crap WHO else is in the project as long as I can hear Russell Allen sing. The man is a vocal god. End of story. As long as his mouth is open and sound is coming out, I'm happy. Heck, even his belches probably sound better than 99% of the junk out there. I hope someone tells him I said that. Heh heh........
i predict sucky cheese. They say its going to be more rock oriented than metal. I sense 4/4 4 minute songs with not much instrumentals.

May be cool for people who like Atomic Soul and the Allen/Lande projects but for haters like me...bleh.
Atomic Soul wasn't all 4/4 ;E Atleast the longest track features some odd meters. I've been using Spotify for a while now and it seems like they think Atomic Soul was made by Jörn (Lande) lol.

Prog rock with Dime riffs and Russell Allen doesn't sound very bad, but it might ofcourse be far from that. Time shows.