Advanced Audio cm47 fet vs. Rode nt1a


Sep 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
Here's a quick shootout I did between these two mics. The AA47 is $289 new and the Rode is $229 new, so I'm calling this the "Battle of the Budget Mics".

There are 3 clips here on an acoustic guitar, 1 just the 47, 1 just the Rode, and the third is both together, the 47 on the left and Rode on the right. The performances aren't the same but the mic positions are very similar, so it's not a perfect test. I think it highlights the differences well though.

You'll have to click the link to see all three clips apparently. Do it anyway cause I have some more info in the soundcloud description.

To be honest, I haven't put really put it through the paces yet. I did some basic EQing on this track initially to get some brightness back and get rid of some low end and it worked very well. I have a session coming up the first week of December and will do much more with it.