advice on mesa cabs


guitarus rex
Jan 24, 2006
Switzerland valley of the wolves
hey guys i'm going to buy me a mesa cab

yeah this randall crap is horibly sounding gona invest a bit
so because i've got a rectifier head i guessed a recto cab should be best
but then what to get a 3/4, opened, oversized or closed cab ?

this is my dylema

oh and for my sound it's damn heavy not really fast and somewhere between
AE (wages of sin) and meshuggah so help me if you can
What speakers are in your randall? I dont think randells are too bad. Maybe you could fix up what you have to get the sound you're looking for.

Anyway, check out this thread. Sounds like you might go for the Traditional cab for tightness, ala meshuggah.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
djairouks you asked this many times, maybe now someone will answer you :)
But if you use the search function you will find a shoutout that has been done comparing different Mesa Cabs.

Ah, beat me too it. Anyway, I gave the link :p
For the record - be careful of how much stock you put into the shootout. The amp was set to one setting and then used on different cabs. Just because a cab sounded better than another one with that setting, doesn't mean that you couldn't get better sounds with the second place cab if you adjust the amp for it.

I personally like the "give" of the bigger cabinet. Both are good cabs though.

One thing for sure though, get a closed back cab. An open back cab is going to be too loose for the sound you've described.
personally i think the randall v30 loaded cabs sound great, and most randall cabs are built pretty solid...have you considered a speaker change, as opposed to buying a new cab?
Matt Smith said:
Not to hijack the thread, but just to let you know, I have an oversized Mesa Recto cab for sale at the moment. I was just about to put it on eBay. So if you wanna save some cash, drop me a line...

How much?
ok so my randall is a shitty one loaded with custom 80

and it buzzes when heavy palm mutted and the bass is only on 3.5
it's not normal at all i've openened and checked for any loose
screw or anything but nothing seems bad but it doesen't sound even as good
as a marshall
$500 plus shipping. Seems like it would be prohibitively expensive to ship something that huge/heavy overseas, wouldn't it? I mean who knows, I'll do it if you cover the shipping, I just don't know if you'd end up saving any $$ or not...who knows.
no sorry i wasn't speaking to you i was speaking in general
yes here in switzerland a mesa cab is expensive but i have 15% off easily
and even 30% off maybe
still it is 1990 chf which is 1530 usd here (without the 15 or 30 %)
but it's worth it
that's such an insane price...the mesa 4x12 cabs are $849 usd here, which is still high IMO

i'd be checking out engl, framus, matamp, diezel...surely there's gotta be something up to par with mesa quality for less than that!
well the framus and a good engl is the practically the same price
just 200 chf less so not much i prefer getting a good ol' mesa

and besides it's a shame not to play a rectifier with a recto cab
they were made for those
good luck man, hope you're happy with the recto cab

the more i talk to people overseas, the more i realize how fortunate i am over here...i searched for months to find the right cab for my needs, ended up finding a place just up the road; that custom built me this baby here, with my choice of speakers for $699

well i'm sure the mesa will be my weapon of choice
before the randall i had tried a marshall and wasn't that good either

and even if that wasn't the point of the thread here
i'd like to thanks everyone who advised me because tody i finally found "THE" sound :hotjump:
just with a clean boost and a good external eq cuting the frequencies that
belong to the the bass and the drums the sound is more heavy than ever

i think that the mesa cab will be even more of agood thing now
so thanks to all