Woohoo! Just scored a Recto cab!

Looks like I won't be getting the cabinet after all. Just had to spend $700 on car repairs. Oh well...I play in a band with the guy and I actually use the cab when we practice so I don't have to haul my Rivera back and forth between different practice pads (I'm in two bands). I think I actually like the sound of the Rivera a bit better anyways. It's the slant model of the Rivera cabs in the Devildriver recording pic thread. It's a bit less boomy and muddy sounding than the Mesa.
Looks like I won't be getting the cabinet after all. Just had to spend $700 on car repairs. Oh well...I play in a band with the guy and I actually use the cab when we practice so I don't have to haul my Rivera back and forth between different practice pads (I'm in two bands). I think I actually like the sound of the Rivera a bit better anyways. It's the slant model of the Rivera cabs in the Devildriver recording pic thread. It's a bit less boomy and muddy sounding than the Mesa.

Wait.........I thought the idea of a Mesa cab was that it wasn't boomy and muddy?
Yeah, the Mesa OS cab is less middy (wooly, to be exact, I do love that word :D), but that's because of it's increased low-end that makes those particular mids less prominent in comparison (thus the "scooped" quality) - of course, you could always turn down the bass (and/or resonance, if your amp has it) ;)
Looks like I won't be getting the cabinet after all. Just had to spend $700 on car repairs. Oh well...I play in a band with the guy and I actually use the cab when we practice so I don't have to haul my Rivera back and forth between different practice pads (I'm in two bands). I think I actually like the sound of the Rivera a bit better anyways. It's the slant model of the Rivera cabs in the Devildriver recording pic thread. It's a bit less boomy and muddy sounding than the Mesa.

Sucks man, I actually just had to fork out around that much on car repairs myself (though at least I had my HD147 to sell, which I didn't get too heartbroken over parting with :D)