affectionate people rule


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
and i don't mean this in a perv way.

but i was really psyched to go see cerberus shoal last night because seeing them means getting quite possibly the best hugs EVER from each member of the band male and female.
I only like affectionate people that I feel the same way towards, which is only so many people.

Unless it's a hot chick.
OIM - So true...

I'd be more affectionate if I weren't so bitter. So when I find myself in a group of cuddlers I always recoil before surrendering to my true nature.
the only time it's reasonable to be homophobic is if you actually ARE gay, secretly, and you are legitimately worried that the homos around you will tempt you into sordid and delightful homosexual acts.