

Supervillain Outcast
Jun 14, 2003
Elysian (corn)Fields
What does everyone think of these guys? Personally i think they're one of the best non-Metal bands around, great singer, great guitarist(who also is a great songwriter), and even a great rythm section.

I was into AFI long before I was into metal. I'm still very loyal to the band. I love the sound they produce. As for Davey, I love his lyrics. And his singing ability is more than adequate for me. Especially for a punk-type band. The music isn't always the most technically challengeing, but then again when I'm listening to them that's not what I want to hear. I love this band. Definately one of my top 5. The new direction they've taken on Sing the Sorrow, with the more produced sound certainly is different. But it's a refreshing change. All in all, I love this band.
Their old stuff reminds me of The Offspring too much at times though. If I have a playlist on random, there are a few songs I'd think you would hear dexters voice rather than Daveys.
AFI - Brilliant :D

sing the sorrow is great, although its different, still some very top class songs on it like Silver and Cold, that song just shows every aspect to Daveys voice instead of the older stuff where he would prefere to (sorta) "shout" the lyrics.
I absolutely love AFI. They are one of my favorite bands. I have all of their CDs. They have a great sound and can't really be classified as punk any longer. They have created their own genre.
They seem pretty cool from what's been played on the radio. I have a few mp3's of their older shit too. Good stuff.

I probably oughta pick up some of their stuff, I've been in that punk/hardcore mood lately.
I like lots of punk rock, but mostly old stuff (The Misfits, Samhain, The Exploited, The Damned etc.) The only new stuff I think is cool is the really hardcore punk that most people haven't heard of, like the Casualties and Anti-flag.

The Misfits are hands down my favorite band, out of any genre (I'm referring to the Danzig days... Michael Graves is a good singer but nothing compared to Glenn).

The motivating force behind the Misfits (Glenn Danzig and Jerry Only) are responsible for inspiring and sculpting much of the sounds, both in metal, punk, and otherwise, that we hear on our radios to this day.

Danzig is GOD
TheNooseInYourEmptySoul said:
The only new stuff I think is cool is the really hardcore punk that most people haven't heard of, like the Casualties and Anti-flag.

a lot of people have heard of anti flag and the casualties and they both are annoying bands to listen to, especially the casualties.
I have a freind who is obsessed with AFI. I personlly dont care for them, i cant really put my finger on it but theres something i cant stand about them.
metalicarus88 said:
They're OK. But I don't like the new stuff, not really punk anyore. My fave song is "Porphyria", "fall children" is also good and some others. Good Lyrics, drumming and the rest.

Just out of curiosity, if all you people are saying AFI is so good, doesn't it make you think why they have so many songs on their cds and metal bands, which you also love, don't have as many songs on their cds?