After listening to the album "Saviour", I have to ask this. Sorry...


S t a r E
Apr 27, 2002
ON, Canada
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...what are you favourite and least favourite tracks? I wanna know this because I already know the tracks that have easily stood out the MOST for me. I don't think I have heard ALL of the songs yet, but quite a bit for sure.

And yes, the album is truly something else. The level of emotion conveyed throughout is quite incredible.

Alright, it is tough for I cannot say there is one song I have heard that is bad (but my least fave is probably Holocaust so far - haven't heard enough of it yet.)

The two songs I can say INSTANTLY impressed me are Over Your Shoulder & The Last Laugh. I can't describe it, but these songs are incredibly well done. The way the words flow with the music, and the lyrics..I like.

3. Angelic (this is beyond incredible...a hear a hint of Silent Hill in there - just reminds me of it.)
4. Flowers (I love the lyrics...the song really is quite emotionally depressing. I like.)
5. Psalms (great beat, great vocal work)
6. Going Nowhere (so good...I just love the ambience here....)
7. Saviour (I like the "saviour" part - the way she sings it - nice.)
8. Holocaust

And I heard "expire" from Light's Out - amazing song, but not as good as the first 6 from Saviour I have listed.

Well, just wanted to express my thoughts on the album.
I like the one with the unsettling drums best, it reminds me of THOSE dreams
Allthough I liked how different "God is coming" was at first, it became boring after a while.
My fav would be one of the last 4 tracks, strangely it's the same with "Lights out".
Ah, but have you ever flown erratically over vast expanses of black water and pipes and that?
btw, how did you do the sampling?
just recorded a live kit, or got if from somewhere?
i've been listening to the programming specifically the other day, and Saviour's well done.

who does the most of the programming anyway?got any history of that? and which program do you use for it?
We use bits of everything. some live stuff, some cheap modules, some expensive modules. Ive been using cubase for 12 years like so I mostly look after that side, although Mick plays his own parts in and that. We actually used an Atari ST for Saviour, but on Lights Out we had two G4s running together, cubase VST and ProTools. Im looking forward to this acoustic album tho, free from the MIDI headaches. It means I can get hammered in the studio too :D
Alcapoth said:
3. Angelic (this is beyond incredible...a hear a hint of Silent Hill in there - just reminds me of it.)

man, you should get "Lights Out" first thing tomorrow!
There's this first and title track which starts off with the sound of alarm sirens. Just like when it gets dark in SH (lights out). That is the most terrifying sound ever since I lived through the nightmare of this game. The rest of the track also finely corresponds with this atmosphere. Sometimes I wonder if it was meant to be like this, but I doubt Duncan knows Silent Hill. Anyway, I think Konami should license this track for the next installment. If they only knew...

Getting back on topic. My faves on Saviour are Last Laugh, Angelic, God is Coming and Flowers. Basically all tracks with Hayley. Her voice is so amazing and fits perfectly with this kind of music. She adds a lot to these sounds!

There. That's my first post, hi to everyone!
SILENT HILL is a playstation game that gives yer nightmares while you play it.

Not nice game, peeled babies attack you and you cant see further than a few feet ahead of you cause of the fog in this deserted town.

Not Nice :yell:o_O:ill::erk::yell::ill:o_O
I played Silent Hill 2 on my cousins playstation 2 about a month ago when we were at our summercottage. There were me, Stone and like five kids in the same room but still at some points I was almost too scared to play further :D All seven of us were scared shitless, no, terrified..

I gotta buy me ps2, deffo :kickass:
Silent Hill is a great series...with some incredible music and ambience. Some of the stuff from antimatter sounds quite similar. And yes, the game is quite disturbing, but not exactly scary...that title belongs to Fatal Frame (but this is another story altogether.)

And you know, I'm in a bit of a predicament...I thought HMV sells antimatter??? I would like to purchase these albums, but where to be found.

I don't think I have the patience to order from theend again, etc. But, it seems I'm going to have to.