After The Burial - In Dreams

I hope they haven't start shipping on the 23rd for international customers, cause we will go down waiting...
I wanna listen to the CD first, but it's hard to not take a look at youtube;)
Patiently waiting for my pre-order. Ive heard good and bad. People are saying there is less tech and more song writing. If thats so, i'll be happy for sure.
Patiently waiting for my pre-order. Ive heard good and bad. People are saying there is less tech and more song writing. If thats so, i'll be happy for sure.

Definitely less tech. I dunno about "more songwriting"... seems just more simple/more mainstream metalcore to me. There's some cool songs and cool riffs, but the music isn't as cool as Rareform overall, IMO. The mix is a lot better than anything they've put out previously though.

Are the drums we're hearing superior samples? Just curious.
Definately sounds like superior to me (sounds similar to my MF kit!)
Didn't like the cd much, had some cool bits, the first track i don't know what they were going for, starts out
with some 'shuggah groove...then turns metalcore....then groove....then turns into dragonforce?

Obviously good muso's, if they used their ability towards a more experimental direction and steer away from the core aspect i think it would be interesting.
mix is great, needs m0re bass

track 2 is groovy as fuck!
Who cares about the music?! I'm loving the sound of this album, at least based on the perfect Youtube compressed versions I've heard. And yeah then I'm a big suck up for Jockes mixes. NATAS!!!

Haha thanks man! NATAS!!! :)

bass sounds cool ;P The Dude could you write something more about mix?=P

I got the instrumental demos before we started the actual recording. I did some arrangement editing (just cut/pasted in the mp3's) and then we discussed the pros and cons. Some changes stayed, some didn't but we're all satisfied with the result.

Sure. I got DI's for guitars and bass, along with E-kit recorded drums in Superior 2 Metal Foundry format, so I used those samples with internal and external effects to get it where it needed to be.

Guitars are quad-tracked through the mighty Fortin Natas through Thordendals chaosphere-Marshall T75, miked with a condenser mike. The bass is recorded through my old Axe-FX bass patch. "Rectifier" through an Ampeg 4x12 bass cab miked with a ribbon. Everything is heavily processed, of course. Vocals were recorded in the Machineshop by Will Putney, and I got the files from him. Didn't need much processing at all.

The clean/solo guitars were done through the Axe-FX, with a "Mark IV" EnglXXL V30 setup for extra nasal character. ;)

Well, that's about it.
Its a great album from the youtooob videos I have seen, guitars are beafy as hell and the vocals sounds great! the song writing is a real mix for me, there's some exceptional bits mixed with some rubbish but im still going to be buying it regardless!

I'm not sure it gets album of the year tho, within the ruins firmly has that!
so this tone is from a condenser? Interesting...

Why that instead of a tried and true 57?

Because I truly hate the SM57 and prefer to choose my frequencies instead of being forced to live with
that. ;)
The production is top notch! Loads better than their other material. I didn't really like the music as much as the last album, but track 2 and the single they released are incredible!
mix is sick, music is boring, dont like the direction their taking, the only good song is the breadcrumbs one. everything else just has a couple good riffs here and there. wish jocke would have mixed their last album
I love the mix! It sounds sick! The album is growing on me, surely. A few of the songs really pop out at me, like 'Breadcrumbs And White Stones'. \m/