Aggressive Atheism

instead of going through the effort of making a rediculously lenghty post about my opinions on this subject
i'm just going to go ahead and say that i 100% campletely agree with both post 190 and post 192
You just ignored the massive problems with your chosen theory by responding "well its better than the other kind of magic".

No one currently here is arguing that religion isn't a tool of control.

You did before; but you have actually thought much better on your position as of late and I sincerely commend you for it.

But now you are doing what all of the mystics and proto-cheaters do; and this is inverting meanings of words, taking them out of context, and using non-sequiturs to ultimately say nothing refuting or even arguing against bicameral theory(there's nothing "magical" about it when it probably is the only sound theory that explicitly rejects any and all mysticism completely and utterly).

Remember that language is primarily NOT a communications tool; it is primarily a thinking tool. Language is secondary. That is why when you or anyone else distorts essential, objective meanings; it can leave that word, meaning, or concept open to manipulation to deceive others' understanding.
Leave that to the politicians, journalists, and professors.

Mystics use that tactic to deceive others(and themselves)and you're better than that.

The only other possible theory for human beings and the way they are that I can come up with is this: Aliens fucked apes

Let me say it again so you can know it's not a typo: Aliens fucked apes(and then sped off).

That's right. Aliens came down one here one day and fucked apes and then zipped back off in shame back to whatever planet they came from. They left that ape with a little alien baby and they had little half-breeds.

We all have that gene of rational, forward-thinking(the alien part of our brain) but there was no alien-baby daddy around to nurture that. He was off on another planet and we had to be raised by single apes or maybe step-apes that resented us because we weren't their's. So we never fully developed the rational part of our brains.

Now I have no sound proof or evidence to back this up. But it is the only other possible explanation for humans and their constant struggle between reality and mysticism.

Since you seem like a pretty reasonable guy, which theory is probably more likely? Mine or bicameral.

I think you know which one.
So, explain to me how saying that "it just poof and happened" is any less ridiculous or "magical" than saying some ethereal entity caused something to happen, or less ridiculous to say that aliens fucked apes? What if gods are merely just what we would think of as alien? How are aliens (unseen, "imaginary" entities,like gods) not "mystic" or "magical"/"fantastical", etc.?
Your theories answer no questions, and are no less ridiculous than the idea of gods.
I said what I said to be farcical. You missed the point, again.

The answer for how and why we invented consciousness is in the original post(we HAD to); or go read Dr. Jaynes' book if you still think it's fantastical.

I did the best that I could in summing it up without getting too technical or colossally long-winded.


NO alien would ever want to come here, to a planet still bogged down in a centuries-backwards plague of mysticism. Think about it.

If you had the technology, why would you in your right mind waste the time and energy to go and visit someone like us?
What you posted earlier I didn't agree with word for word but it had enough valid points in it to present itself as justifiable theory. Or one that could atleast be considered feasible, I would hardly call it ridiculous though. Don't get me wrong it's legitimacy is obviously debatable but it's definitely less farfetched than any holy book.
The answer for how and why we invented consciousness is in the original post(we HAD to)

Well guess what, I can throw a football for 200 miles. How? Because I can. Bam, all the proof you need. Why? Because I had to. Bam, all the proof you need.

Your quickness to accept something just because it isn't written in the Koran or the Bible, etc. is as amazing to me as your amazement at religious zealots.

This whole argument is rendered pointless anyway without the advent of time machines, with which we could go back in history and physically observe for certain, or the modern/future return of a god in physical form for the same purposes.
I don't really see how one can equate it with anything religious or faith-based at all.

Consider, for a moment, schizophrenics:

Except for schizophrenics, people today no longer hallucinate the voices that guided bicameral man. Yet, most people are at least partly influenced and are sometimes driven by the remnants of the bicameral mind as they seek, to varying degrees, automatic guidance from the mystical "voices" of others -- from the commanding voices of false external "authorities".

I used to be a Freudian, and while I still think he still has some valid points, he was largely a mystic cloaked as a non-mystic.

The elimination of mysticism from the mind, not childhood trauma, is the key to mental health and to living a happy, prosperous life.
I don't really see how one can equate it with anything religious or faith-based at all.

Consider, for a moment, schizophrenics:

Except for schizophrenics, people today no longer hallucinate the voices that guided bicameral man. Yet, most people are at least partly influenced and are sometimes driven by the remnants of the bicameral mind as they seek, to varying degrees, automatic guidance from the mystical "voices" of others -- from the commanding voices of false external "authorities".

Perhaps you're confusing natural mammalian instincts with these "voices". Perhaps where all this talk of mysticism is coming from.

Human beings naturally hate and fear what they don't understand. Simply as a defense mechanism and when the mind doesn't have an answer to a question it searches and searches for one until a satisfying answer is found based on the information it has been given. Or decides it requires more knowledge then seeks it out. Or it will simply "make up" or create an answer, which can often times lead to delusions and a reluctance to adopt new conclusions. Which is the difference between an active and cognitive mind and one that is on autopilot.

Hence why you have religious zealots who have already chosen their one answer to their one question. When they fail to realize that with every question that is answered more questions take it's place and so on and so forth. There are an infinite amount of answers to an infinite amount of questions. A combination of cognition and survival instincts have driven humanity's evolution. Now it's just a matter of the mind being able to separate the logical half from the "fight or flight" half. Then being able to realize that both aspects have their pros and cons but are essential to our existence and ultimately create synergy.
I personally think that completely removing mysticism from the mind will enable both hemispheres of the brain to accumulate knowledge and ideas at an unheard of, geometrically accelerated level.

Manipulation of the mind didn't occur on a grand scale until the advent of religion 2000 years ago(while mysticism occurred 3000 years ago with man's discovery/invention of the conscious mind). Every concept that you think of today has been poisoned and proliferated by mystical-altruism(like the left and right in politics). They would have you believe they are opposite in ideology, when in fact they are the same. Just different angles of dishonesty.

It's time for mankind to divorce himself from the 3000 year hoax of mysticism.
how old exactly is religion?

nobody knows... however we do know that buddhism is about 2500 years old... hinduism at least 3500 years old if not older... so yeah 2000 years is not accurate. and as far as mystical/spiritual beliefs those of course go back even further. most anthropologists believe that such beliefs/practices go back tens of thousands of years if not longer.