Aggressive Atheism

Am I the only atheist/satanist in this thread? No, I didn't bother to read the whole thread, either. . .

I live my life "Satanically" if you consider Satanism thinking, speaking, and acting for oneself to achieve true happiness and self perseverance. I've participated in a few Satanic Rituals, and they all inspire a meditative feeling of freedom.
^ I agree. I'm not an Atheist, but I'm very self spiritual. I believe in working with the universe, so I've been involved in the Occult and Covens for years because it's a meditative thing for me. Religious labels are bull shit and they cause separation, leading to wars over religion. Just like racism. No labels like black or white -> no separation -> no racism.

i've been involved with covens but it never really works out long-term
i have post-cognition telepathy precognition a healing ability and the ability of "holding the rain"

but i don't talk about these abilities to people face-2-face because all the Christians think i'm "Possessed By The Devil" and the atheists think i'm crazy
The biggest problem is people dont like saying these three little words,I dont know.So when one assumes they know who God or Satan is and that they believe your going to hell or heaven when U die,they are lying to themselves and are to unsettled by the thought of that uncertainty.The path to truth starts when one can whole heartedly admit to themselves,I do not know and that i wont pretend to do so.
I've very recently discovered about myself that I don't think I believe in a god or an afterlife. Although my beliefs aren't fully formed yet, it just seems to me that humans want explanations for the unexplainable and a way to conquer their fear of death, and so they created gods with afterlives. I do find religion very interesting but I think religion is something you have to believe with your heart and soul and not something you believe in because your parents told you. I'm more of a 'seeing is believing' kind of person and i've never had an experience that's made me believe in a god. It's kind of a sad way to look at life I guess, like you'll never see your loved ones again once they die and the finality of death.

Again this is all easy for me to say when i'm young, but who knows? I am very open to the possibility of a god, but again it's not something I can just believe in because someone tells me or something I try to force myself to believe.
Fact of the matter is, people with faith and atheists are incapable of seeing eye to eye, so discussing the subject with eachother is futile.

An atheistic scientist and a priest can get along if they either don't give a fuck what the other believes, or convince themselves in their head that the other person is beneath them/ unaware, but science and religion can't both be true and at peace.
Most religions have adapted themselves in an attempt to remain profitable, as new scientific discoveries are made, but the fact of the matter is that the science existed long before worship, long before humans, long before any of those fairy-tales. Non-consciousness existed.

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.

There's people who worship, and there's people who think the very thought is fucking ridiculous. Even if there was scientific, undeniable proof of some sort of conscious, intelligent design, the religious people would worship that intelligence and expect others to do the same. The scientists would study it. The religious scientists might forsake their studies to instead drop to their knees for the 'deity'.

And that is the irreconcilable difference. I decided a long time ago not to debate 'God' or whoever, with non-atheists, because I don't give a shit if they follow my beliefs or not.
It's not only Americans who are retarded Bible-thumping idiots. Also, any minute amount of interest i would have in reading the Bible as a fictional story would totally be drowned out by the reatrds who take it seriously.

We're all metal brethren here, but I do want to point out you spelled "retards" wrong. :p

I am a Christian and not ashamed, but don't attend church regularly, as I have issues with being one of a "flock" for a well-paid pastor, and for that matter millionaire evangelists sicken me.

We all have to believe in something, and Jesus' teachings in the New Testament seem pretty bullet-proof to me (as in, if everyone followed them we'd be good)--Revelation is pretty bizarre though. I'm weird in that I flat out don't believe in much of the Old Testament. The vengeful, legalistic and frankly unreasonable OT God is completely different than the NT God is described. I'm well aware that mere men cherry picked and edited what passages of the ancient texts we have today. Thus, it's pretty hard to determine which passages are divinely inspired.

You don't have to be a Christian to be a good person. I think people's problems with Christianity are the same problems they have with humanity. No one likes having beliefs thrust onto them or having their own beliefs undermined and belittled. Nor does anyone appreciate attempts to "convert" them to foreign belief structures.

You might find that "Bible-thumping" Christians are in the vast minority. Pretentious and judgmental adherents to any belief system (Atheists are as guilty of this as anyone, they just don't have as long a track record) are pains in the ass, period. Remember, Christ stepped in when those assholes were about to stone the prostitute, and challenged any of them who had never done anything wrong to "cast the first stone."

So, I guess "aggressive" anythings are obnoxious. We'd all be well-served to treat others with the respect and care we would like for ourselves, and to listen to more metal of course.

It's just plain not a fun conversation unless you like drama.

Or... if you're capable of accepting 'higher power', 'God', 'conscious universe', 'system', 'matrix', etc, as meaning the same thing. I've found that's the best way to go about things when some religious person is really prying for discussion. I'll just say we're talking about the same thing, but speaking different languages.

Personally... I feel existence is a series of systems within a greater system, an equation that runs for eternity, without will or consciousness, that is rearranged constantly due to erroneous integers. Basically the matrix coupled with chaos theory.
i actually really do believe in "inteligent design"

but to believe that "the designer" is the Father of Jesus... that's just being stupid
Divergence into different religious groups, ironic as it may seem, is all part of natural selection - evolution. The groups will compete and one will prevail. If the Creativity religion expands as it should then clearly natural selection will ensure all White people, for example who remain a hundred years from now are Creators.

(This religion has been described by some as being atheism but the fact is that one does not have to define oneself by the nonsense one does NOT believe in - ie gods.)
Is there really such a thing as 'aggressive' atheism? Aggressive how? Demanding that stultifying nonsense not be taught in public schools? Trying to put a rope around radical islam by way of debate and open discussion? Writing books and doing book tours and debates with the religious? How is it aggressive? I don't understand.