It's not only Americans who are retarded Bible-thumping idiots. Also, any minute amount of interest i would have in reading the Bible as a fictional story would totally be drowned out by the reatrds who take it seriously.
We're all metal brethren here, but I do want to point out you spelled "retards" wrong.
I am a Christian and not ashamed, but don't attend church regularly, as I have issues with being one of a "flock" for a well-paid pastor, and for that matter millionaire evangelists sicken me.
We all have to believe in something, and Jesus' teachings in the New Testament seem pretty bullet-proof to me (as in, if everyone followed them we'd be good)--Revelation is pretty bizarre though. I'm weird in that I flat out don't believe in much of the Old Testament. The vengeful, legalistic and frankly unreasonable OT God is completely different than the NT God is described. I'm well aware that mere men cherry picked and edited what passages of the ancient texts we have today. Thus, it's pretty hard to determine which passages are divinely inspired.
You don't have to be a Christian to be a good person. I think people's problems with Christianity are the same problems they have with humanity. No one likes having beliefs thrust onto them or having their own beliefs undermined and belittled. Nor does anyone appreciate attempts to "convert" them to foreign belief structures.
You might find that "Bible-thumping" Christians are in the vast minority. Pretentious and judgmental adherents to any belief system (Atheists are as guilty of this as anyone, they just don't have as long a track record) are pains in the ass, period. Remember, Christ stepped in when those assholes were about to stone the prostitute, and challenged any of them who had never done anything wrong to "cast the first stone."
So, I guess "aggressive" anythings are obnoxious. We'd all be well-served to treat others with the respect and care we would like for ourselves, and to listen to more metal of course.