
Mar 18, 2002
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I ordered the special edition of BWP about 10 days ago beacause I couldnt find it in any store. The day after I ordered it the store got it. (offcourse)
I was tempted to by the record that I held in my hand at that moment but I relaxed and told myself that "Ginza" the net company is pretyy fast with the orders.
10 #%/#%& days AFTER!!! I got it! This has been reeeeally hard for me offcourse. While every day see the album in the store but have to wait.

Soo anyway...I have listened to the new songs and It was really of a suprise (positive). "Still..." is absolutely great! and the singing is better than before. I have never heard Mikaels voice so good before. I especially like the "choir"...or what I should call it. Its great anyway, and its new to Opeth. I hope he will use it more on the next album...rather the mellow one beacause it fits great.

"Patterns" was good and absolutely not bad. But not so good as the great "Still..."!

I really cant wait for the new albums and I really hope the mellow one will sound like these two songs. And I really hope its much acoustic and not just mellow electrics.

The video was intresting but...its not a real video. But it was surely intresting! Funny to see the real guys all alive :loco:
I have some small critisism though...
"Still day..." shouldnt be so long. It gets quite repetive after a couple of minutes. It should be atleast 1,30 shorter...

I get quite tired of it fast if its to repetive as "still day" is in the end. I t would be much greater it was shorter or more stuff in the song than the repetive "still day beneath the sun" line that comes quite often.

I just want it to be perfect on the new albums :)