AHHHH Assaulted By Awesome Music


Herald of Homoerotic Fury
Aug 10, 2002
Hey dudes and dudettes,

I just thought you should know, along with some new Skyfire hitting the streets at some point in the future, all these new and groovytastic (I haven't heard them all but I'm getting to it) albums are coming out / are out nowses.

Stratovarius - Stratovarius
Gamma Ray - Majesty (what I've heard is good)
Horse The Band - The Mechanical Hand (SEXUALLLL)
and if I didn't tout it, Noumena - Absence is very hot (melodeath with two clean singers).
as well as Equilibrium - Turis Fratyr(black / death metal with lots of catchy melody).

Toss anything new and groovy / just plain groovy you've been listening to lately here!
Got any links for those last two bands? I be interested to hear em.

I've been listening to the following like crazy as of late:

Lilitu - New 3 Song Demo (www.myspace.com/lilitu) ~ Fucking amazing. Period. I advise you all to go check this out. Spectacular production by James Murphy and "Strike Another Promise" owns your soul.

Nocturnal Rites - The Grand Illusion ~ Tastey. Their best since Afterlife and catchy as hell.

Thrice - Vheissu ~ Holy fuck, I just picked it up today and it's already amazing me. A pretty big departure from TAITA but breathtaking nonetheless.

The Autumn Offering (www.myspace.com/theautumnoffering) ~ Pretty cool. Not ground breaking and they have a touch of metalcore, but the melo-death side is really well executed and they have nice acoustic passages to boot. I like 'em.
http://kataitamas.atw.hu/ - It's all in Hungarian, but you can download stuff here. Erika Szobája is this awesome avantgarde folky... thing... The other two bands, Toward Rusted Soil and Gort are pretty sweet black metal.

Also, the new Ulver is sweet.

Matt O'Ree - Shelf Life is high-quality blues rock.

And now for the Myspace-a-thon:
Swashbuckle - "Pirate" Folk Metal - http://www.myspace.com/swashbuckle
Steve Bello Band - Prog/heavy/stoof - http://www.myspace.com/stevebello
Toxic Holocaust - Blackened Thrash/crossover - http://www.myspace.com/toxicholocaust
Zombie - Thrash - http://www.myspace.com/zombie

Also, a warning to all: the new Exodus sucks balls.
Did not gums tell you to leave the bible out of this? :Shedevil:

Noumena is located at www.thenoumena.com (it's weird how they're finnish but sound like swedish bands...)
And Equilibrium you can find at http://www.equilibrium-metal.de/ ooo, hot chick. hadn't noticed that.

Lemme see if I have anything else lurking in my band folders..

If noone's ever heard me mention them, Enid is pretty cool.

http://www.enid-webrealm.de/ very avant-garde stuff.

Nettlethrone has a cool demo out. http://www.nettlethrone.com/ They're turkish death metal with a sort of epic edge to some of their songs - a little soilworky.

http://www.falloftheleafe.com/ Fall of the Leafe is the band of one of the clean singers of Noumena, and it's very twisty and not too heavy - more prog than anything.

That's all for now!
Final_Vision said:
Thrice - Vheissu ~ Holy fuck, I just picked it up today and it's already amazing me. A pretty big departure from TAITA but breathtaking nonetheless.
Another Thrice fan. I like. They're emo/hardcore that don't suck my emo.

As for my own stuff,

Novembers Doom http://www.novembersdoom.com/ is a kinda Opeth-y band, they've been doing it for about as long as Opeth has though

Disarmobia Mundi http://ww.disarmoniamundi.com/ Italian band with a swedish singer (Speed Strid of Soilwork) and English vocals.

I am not very tr00 l33t m3t4l. At the moment I'm listening to Scar Tissue by RHCP.
Nocturnal Rites - Grand Illusion

Speaking of Nocturnal Rites.. They let me make their Myspace page.. so all check it out, and add em if you like em!! thanks!
the new Dragonforce (Inhuman Rampage!) is pretty awesome, as well. I mean, in general they rule, but it's gotten a little more complex and they throw in some new things. It still sounds like the drummer would die after playing live, though.
to append to that: WOW. random band i just happened upon while working on homework that i'd downloaded a while ago.

Blind Stare - their CD Symphony of Delusions is pretty freakin' sweet.

www.blindstare.net wooooooo!
AlphaTemplar said:
Another Thrice fan. I like. They're emo/hardcore that don't suck my emo.

I wouldn't call Thrice emo at all, especially the new one. The new one has a lot of Radiohead/Coldplay vibe to it, with the usual touch of hardcore thrown in. The new CD is fucking brilliant if you ask me...

Also added Nocturnal Rites on My Space...yup.

Blind Stare - Hrm...I like the clean vocal touch but melo-death is killing me lately, slowly getting more and more tired of it. It has to be REALLY well executed to catch my attention these days.
I'd say those are poppy as hell, yes. But when I think of emo, I think of My Chemical Romance or Dashboard Confessional. Too me, Thrice doesn't sound anything like them. If there are moments of emo, they're brief. I mean, for the most part, TAITA is pretty heavy by non-metal standards: Under a Killing Moon, All thats Left, Sillouette, Paper Tigers, Hoods on Peregrine. Not to mention lyrically, there is almost no connection to emo at all (Dustin writes from literature and film for the most part).

Eh, ya know what? They're just damn good, thats all, heh. Who really cares.
wow, i would have never guessed that you guys find bands like Blind Stare :)

maybe you'd like to listen to Codeon, Scorched Earth Tactics (they offer their demo for free, and the mp3 quality is top), airut (though there is large improvement necessary on the vocals *g* clean vocals, and finnish btw; music: opeth-feeling), azure (finnish azure!, less metal), misteria (poland, but I think i have mentioned them before somewhere. meanwhile they have split into two bands - great pity)

reclusion (sweden)
satariel (but i think you know them already :) )

disturbed (but you americans know them better than I do ;) )
froosch said:
"Emo" doesn't necessarily mean "bad" anyway. Most of it is, but that's not the point. Mohinder was a damn good early 90's emocore band.

your right heh. I think there is just such a stigma attached to the term itself "emo". All emo really does is define "emotional" music, but then I supose there comes this expectance that its going to be whiney "im so sad" shit.
both emo and hardcore kind of blend together at points - they often seem to have ridiculously complex song titles and vague, yet 'deep' lyrics. admittedly, though, emo is a really bad name for a genre - but when i hear it i do immediately think of dashboard confessional, etcetera. when i hear the word emocore, however, i just think silly. appending 'core' to anything besides grind, metal, and hard just makes me wince. like the word blog. GOD DAMMIT! why couldn't you have picked another word that doesn't equate to 'MY MOTHER DROPPED ME AS A BABY'! :guh:

i have an intense hate for that word. :yuk::yell:
I also detest the word blog. It sounds like it a fatter, slower version of an ogre. Like Jabba the Hut.

Oh, and I don't even bother with classifications anymore. I think emo has pretty much lost its meaning, so if someone recommended me an "emo" band I'd give it a shot with an open mind.
However, I must admit that there was once a time where anything classed as emo would have had me assume that only faggots and sailors would listen to it!
Well, if you want what is more conventionally described as "emo" by the "scene kids," I actually like scattered Coheed and Cambria and At the Drive-In songs (although I've been told they're not actually emo, but I don't listen to enough to know the difference). If you're looking for "real" emo, as in the way it started when it was just an offshoot of hardcore, try Mohinder or Usurp Synapse. The two latter mentioned bands are incredibly far-removed from the first two - more grindy, chaotic, heavy, screamy, etc. I generally associate emo with the lack of nutsacks since the emo guys wear pants that clearly leave no room for the nutsackular appendage, but Mohinder and Usurp Synapse certainly pee while standing up.

And yeah, F_V's right. I really don't know much about emo at all other than what I've said in this post already, but saying that bands like Taking Back Sunday are emo is like saying Motley Crue is a metal band - it's true, but a bad representation.
opacity said:
disturbed (but you americans know them better than I do ;) )
Funny, I just noticed this. To be honest, I think Disturbed are shit. But I my friends love em' and I heard their cover of Land of Confusion; and I must admit that it sounded pretty damn good. I really like the solo he added in and it stomps ALL OVER In Flames' cover (why they didn't do the whole song, I don't know).

P.S: I've listened to the Thrice album non-fucking-stop since I bought it. Really an amazing album I must say.