Album #5

Oh good point. Unless it just stays eternally in a perfectly seared state of meaty excellence fit for the carnivore gods themselves.
again with the meat! if power quest makes an album named after a food i'm never listening to them again! i mean really! power metal is supposed to me epic not stupid!...... then again.... it would make power quest very well known XD lol
Just to give you a little update on the writing situation......we've got 6 of the new songs ready to roll now and I've finished the lyrics, melodies etc for the remaining songs that will complete the album proper.

That sounds great dude. How many months will it take to record the whole album this time? Goodluck :rock:
I'm not sure if it was mentioned (I'd have put it up on Wiki) but is there an estimate on how many songs will be on the track listing? Also (here comes the mention of Tragedy Suite again!) for MoI about 6 songs didn't make it to the final release, will any of those a.) be on BA b.) ever see the light of day?
I'm not sure if it was mentioned (I'd have put it up on Wiki) but is there an estimate on how many songs will be on the track listing? Also (here comes the mention of Tragedy Suite again!) for MoI about 6 songs didn't make it to the final release, will any of those a.) be on BA b.) ever see the light of day?

I could have written that question myself :) please say that they will Steve. you can't just mention a 9 minute PQ opus and just say "but we scrapped that one"
Guys guys! lol!

Don't quote me on this but my current reckoning is going to be 9 songs......all of which are brand new, by that I mean they were not from previous album writing sessions. A couple of riffs did make it across the divide between albums though.

Difficult to say whether any of those tracks will see the light of day. A similar thing has happened this time with I think 3 songs that won't make the cut......"Kill the lights", "Story of my life" and "Angel of Destiny" being those songs.
It's nice the riffs made it across so in some sense we'll hear songs that didn't make the MoI cut but now you've added 3 more we'll be on about! I suppose it's a case of only the very best in the eyes of PQ make it onto the album and if a song isn't good enough to it isn't good enough for the fans to hear it...meanwhile the fans are a lot more forgiving and would very much like to hear it!
Guys guys! lol!

Difficult to say whether any of those tracks will see the light of day. A similar thing has happened this time with I think 3 songs that won't make the cut......"Kill the lights", "Story of my life" and "Angel of Destiny" being those songs.

Ok then... rarities or b-sides album sometime in the future :p surely. Angel of Destiny is a cool title
Angel of Destiny was close to making the cut so there is a chance that this one could appear somewhere down the line.

I would love to do an EP or something like that with the non-album tracks, or even take a more modern approach to things. Perhaps between albums we could release 1 song every only. Just a thought....
Anything that gets PQ songs out of Steve's head, off the editing room floor and onto some instruments while the record button is pushed gets my full backing :rock: :kickass:

I like to add to my PQ collection however so something physical like an EP release would be ideal then we get some cool artwork into the bargain too and possibly a related tshirt!
I'm all in favour of physical product too old boy, but with that comes hideous additional expenses unfortunately. So that kind of thing would be an financial balancing act....particular as a rarities type product would almost certainly be a non-label release....which would mean yours truly would be picking up the tab
That's why I though some revenue could come from other merch. Take the artwork off the EP and churn out a tshirt, longsleeve, etc?
I can see your train of thought but your looking at a 4 figure cost for a top quality TS/LS.....I guess we are talking post "Blood Alliance" anyway for such things which would put at least 12 months on the timeframe I think.

Once BA is recorded, merch planned, BA is released it's pretty much going to be the end of the year.....then I'm hoping for some significant touring action to support it.
just a thought.... how about a 'Rarities E.P fund' on the Power Quest Shop? fans could donate money to the cause and you could give them an optional fund donation on any order that is made in the shop?
A couple of quid here and there may not be much at the time but it would mean that it would happen sometime in the future (even if we are talking years) and would be cool to know that it was an album paid for by the fans for the fans.