Album of 09.

As the year is now officially over I'd like to make an announcement... Podgie's album of the year award 2009... Is a two way tie!

Between Ahab's The Divinity Of Oceans


One of the greatest doom metal albums I have ever heard, such a powerful record, in every department. This is a massive, melodic, masterful, mature and by all means quality album; I cannot recommend it highly enough, even for those who are not fond of this genre. The MIGHTY Ahab are definitely a band to look out for in the future. (Though I don't think funeral doom is ever going to make it to Download any time soon :lol:)

and Absu's Absu


Every single time I listen to this album I think "this is definitely my favourite album of the year" - I just can't stress enough how much I enjoy it, still! It's like, Emperor, meets Slayer, with a touch of Melechesh. The album features the best production the band have ever had, and where some fans saw that as a negative, I see it as a definite plus. The overall atmosphere of the album is great. The clarity of Procsriptor's drumming is very refreshing as well, especially as on previous releases it wasn't so prominent, which I found disappointing.

You need to write more reviews. :lol:
To youtube!

EDIT : Well Ahab was interesting...... :lol:
I'm sorry if I offended, but I think you've got the wrong idea. I haven't abandoned new music, I was just saying I listen to older records more (which judging by the Last Album listened to thread, most other people here do). I still take an interest in new music, I support my local music scene and unsigned bands. I get as pissed off as you do when people ignore their local music scene and just listen to music off the major labels, as I agree, that is killing the music industry.

Apologies, that wasn't so obvious in your first post *manhug*
No. :lol:
It was WWWAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY to slow for my liking, and the vocals weren't really my thing. I can tell Absu is talented, but I'm not feeling his vocals either. :erk:
Ah well, at least you gave them a go! To be honest I didn't expect you to like The Divinity Of Oceans, Ahab are a somewhat acquired taste for a lot of people. I think they're absolutely majestic. Their songs are certainly gradual, but when they get going, oh man!
Yeah, acquired taste is exactly what I'd say. :lol:
I feel like bumping the Recommendation thread now..... :lol: