Album Query


I Died A Little
Aug 30, 2002
Hey guys, long time no see :p !
i just had a question about the new album since the tracks and the release dates have been announced:
Is there gonna be an attempt to put one of the new album's music videos on MTV or internationnal radios or official stuff?
and would Anathema fans support this? hoping that it will not fail like (AFDTE)

i definitely would!! :hotjump:
i think it's almost certain a vid is coming up to support the album, but depending on the song, style and radio-listing suitablity: is MTV gonna play it?
I've recently seen Cave In on MTV2, and they had a very similar progression as Anathema, just in a different genre of extreme heavy music. They started out as noisecore, mixing a very cacophonic and complex style of metalcore a la Dillinger Escape Plan with experimental noise passages, and now they are almost pop rock with extremely melodic and catchy songs. I don't think the "they used to play death metal" argument holds that much water anymore, especially when bands like Six Feet Under get airplay right now...
Dear All,
Thanks very much for your enquiries and your support of Anathema. It is greatly appreciated by us and the band. With regard to the withdrawal of Pressure as a single, it was done for the following reasons:
1) MTV did not like the video and therefore would not play it.
2) The majority of Radio stations, although they are finally getting into the band, felt that 'Pressure' was just too slow to be played on the radio.
3) Without support at Radio and TV, it is impossible to get singles into the shops, which would mean that you would all be frustrated by not being able to find it anywhere.
As to the future, we have not given up, as we all believe this band will be huge. Therefore we will be going with a new single 'Underworld' at the very end of April, which is to be released simultaneously with a DVD of their recent live performance in Greece.
Believe me, we expected 'Pressure' to be a hit, otherwise we would not have scheduled it for release, however you just never know until it is presented to Radio and TV.

Kindest regards
Doug Wright
Head Of Press
Music For Nations

This one was from the last attempt lets hope that itll work for the new album!
theres only 1 or 2 songs that have anything like a proper chorus. still there might be a video and it might even be good. that would be nice.
last saturday i bought the Vision of a dying embrace-DVD
it's very nice , but very oooold !

so yes, a new one with more recent material would be great !
Holy holy crap!!! Irene, this reminds me of the video I still have to send to you :cry:
It's all copied and that, I just either forgot or (in most cases) had no money. There's 2 possibilities then: if you come to Graspop I could give it to you there, OR otherwise sending it to you will be the first thing I'll do when I payed back my Graspop ticket to my parents and saved up some euros.
Nice nice nice :D:D:D
I want an autograph of you Sol! :eek:
Then I can go tell everyone that I got an autograph of world's greatest Harry Pothead look-alike :D (blamepieterblamepieter)
Pity that none of the Finns come (or do they come?)
LuminousAether said:
I've recently seen Cave In on MTV2, and they had a very similar progression as Anathema, just in a different genre of extreme heavy music. They started out as noisecore, mixing a very cacophonic and complex style of metalcore a la Dillinger Escape Plan with experimental noise passages, and now they are almost pop rock with extremely melodic and catchy songs. I don't think the "they used to play death metal" argument holds that much water anymore, especially when bands like Six Feet Under get airplay right now...

but the ultimate truth is anathema will always be percieved as a doom-death band because of their old albums. sad but true.