album ratings


Jan 27, 2002
I´m going to listen to all the IE studio albums this week and rate them to see which is the best. I will rate them song by song and give them a rating out of ten and then calculate the average of each album :grin:
I also might do that to the singles, compilations, live stuff

coz I´m a perfectionist and want accuracy I will reveal my ratings by the end of the week...

anyone in? or would you just like to spew forth the ratings by how you feel at this moment about the albums

I´m curious if Horror show will beat the GB in my case coz I don´t know what to think :loco:

now all I need is a pen and paper and CDs
Well I think lots of persons rating all songs with numbers and no commentary would be extremely it's just better you do it first at least. :)
If either Horror Show or The Glorious Burden beat Burnt Offerings on your list I'm going to stop reading this thread. Maybe. :p
well.. minä rakastan sinua for digging POS!

I don´t think anyone excluding you finn can understand what I just said :loco:

good idea to put comments after each song too!
well here it is ratings out of 10:

Burnt offerings : 9,75
Something wicked: 9,4
the Dark Saga: 9,2
Night of the stormrider: 9,11
Horror show: 8,59
the Glorious burden: 8,46
Iced earth: 8,12

it surprised me that BO was first as I voted for SWTWC in the poll here.
HS and GB are very close, I´ll just say they are equal. I think this reflects my opinion more or less
Well thanks Djöfull. Man-love is a beautiful thing. :D I'll do this rating thing if I've got nothing to do sometime...but I want to do it properly,so I'll listen & rate every song with commentaries then...when this is gonna happen,no idea.
Burnt Offerings: 8
Night of The Stormrider: 7.5
Iced Earth: 8
The Dark Saga: 9
Something Wicked: 10
The Glorious Burden: 10
Horror Show: 9.5

Total...62. 62 divided by 7 is 8.85.

Cheers for Iced Earth!