Albums currently kicking your ass

Orchidectomy - A Prelate's Attrition.

Heh, I remember a time everyone here interested in brutal death metal knew than album by the art. It's nice to see new people.

Thanks. Man, I'm always finding new shit to me especially in the brutal death/slam realm. I'm listening to these guys right now. Every time I think I've heard most of the unique vocal styles in slam/brutal death, another band comes along with a style that makes me say, "holy fuck". Pretty good shit right here!
fucking classic :headbang:

probably the most underrated album from the NWOBHM ... i'd say that it's better than everything else that was coming out of that scene at that time.
I wouldn't go so far as to call it the best or the most underrated for that matter, but it is very good and a helluva fun listen. It just doesn't deserve to overshadow their superior later material, specifically Hypnosis of Birds and Covenant, IMO anyway.

Also, Vessels of Light & Decay still kicking my ass, probably the best album I've heard this year.
I wouldn't go so far as to call it the best or the most underrated for that matter, but it is very good and a helluva fun listen. It just doesn't deserve to overshadow their superior later material, specifically Hypnosis of Birds and Covenant, IMO anyway.

meh, i dont even like most NWOBHM, but that album is one of the only ones i actually quite enjoy.

Only other stuff i'v listened to from them are the two albums you mentioned and No Mans Land, and i'd say The Nightcomers is a much better listen than any of those, but hey, to each their own.

... but they definitely were one of the most underrated bands from the NWOBHM, that's without question.