Albums currently kicking your ass

BAS is a band I respect more than I like. "The Work Which Transforms God" is a fucking excellent album, but I just can't get on board with the trilogy they released here.

As one singular piece I'd rate the trilogy high. As a singular album, Cosmosophy wont be making my top ten.



Behold! The Monolith - Defender, Redeemist

Could it be the album of the year? Hmmm...
The only thing holding it back is the lack of much lead play. As a snobby elitist, I almost instantly dismiss an album that doesn't have them, which happens all too often in today's metal. Also, if a band uses a Cookie Monster voice, then it better damn well impress me, beause I often get sick of it very quickly. The Lemmy on ludes comment was appropriate, and a nice break from "Gimme Cookie!!!!!!!!"

A Future Corrupt, greatest deathcore track of all time. Very solid album for a usually boring, generic genre.
Behold! The Monolith - Defender, Redeemist

Could it be the album of the year? Hmmm...
The only thing holding it back is the lack of much lead play. As a snobby elitist, I almost instantly dismiss an album that doesn't have them, which happens all too often in today's metal. Also, if a band uses a Cookie Monster voice, then it better damn well impress me, beause I often get sick of it very quickly. The Lemmy on ludes comment was appropriate, and a nice break from "Gimme Cookie!!!!!!!!"

It doesn't have MUCH lead play, but it's definitely there where appropriate. The more doom and sludgy areas would sound odd if they didn't keep up the crushing atmosphere.
This might quite possibly be black metal album of the year for me right here. God damn...


Weird Fate - The Collapse of All That Has Been

This album hits my sweet spots. Thick atmosphere, emotion, aggression, hypnotic rhythms, great production and sick fucking vocals.

Symphonic black/death weirdness. A lot of fun... I think if you like A Forest of Stars it might be worth giving this album a chance.
This might quite possibly be black metal album of the year for me right here. God damn...


Weird Fate - The Collapse of All That Has Been

This album hits my sweet spots. Thick atmosphere, emotion, aggression, hypnotic rhythms, great production and sick fucking vocals.

About a minute into the second track I was getting ready to disagree with you, but once I let the album really roll it's definitely a powerhouse.

I heard something you almost never catch in a BM album: THE FUCKING BASS GUITAR.

Been revisiting this gem for the last few's a shame the copy I own has the gey anthology cover
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The Pax Cecilia - Blessed Are the Bonds

Not a metal album really. I mean it happens in there, but you get 15 minutes in before any hints of metal actual start to creep in. Until then it's pianos and clean vox, but holy shit it's gorgeous. And as it builds... and builds... and builds...
About a minute into the second track I was getting ready to disagree with you, but once I let the album really roll it's definitely a powerhouse.

I heard something you almost never catch in a BM album: THE FUCKING BASS GUITAR.

Yeah this shit has to be listened to in its entirety before an opinion is given. Fucking powerhouse for sure.
Yeah this shit has to be listened to in its entirety before an opinion is given. Fucking powerhouse for sure.

Definitely. The first minute of the 2nd track (we'll just forget the intro for now) sounds like super run of the mill necro-production-for-its-own-sake black metal, but holy shit it's like it just keeps growing. I love albums that don't frontload their best material at the beginning, and instead let the experience expand throughout the album.
Dödsvarg - Livet är en dödsorsak

I don't even know how to describe this behemoth. Black crust hardcore with other elements? It's fucking furious and nonstop incredible, done by one dude.
Anytime I come to this thread I end up downloading 5-6 new artists and albums! ><

This isn't metal, but I am absolutely in love with this band and this album: The Moon and the Nightspirit, Osforras.

Old school swedish type stuff named after a Samael song I guess? really solid without being overly typical swedeath. It's just good. It's also rare apparently, I found it in nwn's cd bin. Google images didnt even return a good picture of the album art for me. M-A's profile on the band is pretty murky too. Kind of interesting, I guess. They were together 7 years, released this... then fell off the face of the earth apparently.

The album is Son of Earth - s/t

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