Albums currently kicking your ass

^ dont know if you missed my last post or what, but obviously i wasn't including any older technical death metal bands in that list i whipped up.

and theres wayyyy more bands that i could have thrown on there than the few you mentioned if that was the case.

edit: and on Devourment .... no.

Aborted isnt tech-death, neither is devourment.
Yea, i didn't include any of the older bands. If so the list would have a lot of old classics ... i actually dont categorize the older technical death metal bands like Death, Gorguts, Atheist and so on with the newer tech-death bands of today.

edit: in my opinion, Necrophagist(who i am not a fan off) almost completely changed the sound of technical death metal more towards what we hear today.

Do you mean becoming a sound today that's faster and more brutal?
I love technical death metal, and to be able to carve out your recognizable sound in tech-death is something very hard to do, and Gorod has definitely done that.

check these bands out, IMO they are the best when it comes to technical death metal.

Spawn of Possession
Severed Savior

some other very good ones are Odious Mortem, The Faceless, Decrepit Birth, Brain Drill, Beyond Creation, Archspire and Arkaik(new album has been kicking my ass all over the place) ... im pretty sure im forgetting about a bunch of other great bands but this was a quick list i just threw together

:kickass: FUCK YES!

Need to check out Beyond Creation, Archspire and Arkaik.
All the others i have and like quite allot.

I am surprised you didnt comment on Anata, which i think are superb and improve with each album (but still cant touch gorod)
Hey thanks for the recomendations guys.

Arkaik is fucking sick!! I think I shit my pants a little while listenning to the ¨reflections with dissonance¨ album.
No, I was asking what attributes differentiate the older vs newer tech metal bands?

Well one of the main differneces is the addition of the "weedily, weedily" guitar sound that a lot of people seem to dislike ...

Need to check out Beyond Creation, Archspire and Arkaik.
All the others i have and like quite allot.

I am surprised you didnt comment on Anata, which i think are superb and improve with each album (but still cant touch gorod)

I actually forgot to comment on Anata. While i don't like them as much the other bands i listed, i still think they're pretty good. Under a Stone is my favorite album from them and it fucking rules.

Also yeah, make sure to check out the new Arkaik, good shit right there.

edit: I can't beleive i forgot to mention Quo Vadis, Martyr and especially Neuraxis, great bands right there.
Conan / Slomatics


Indesinence - Vessels of Light and Decay


Haven't fired up any Deicide in ages.


By the way, tech death album of the year is, without question, Sophicide's "Perdition of the Sublime". End of story. Period.
By the way, tech death album of the year is, without question, Sophicide's "Perdition of the Sublime". End of story. Period.

I'm going to go with Spawn Of Possession. Ill listen to that album now, got any more tech death bands for me to check out? I already heard most of the stuff in the last page or so.
I'd say the best tech-death album this year is either A Perfect Absolution or Incurso ... the new Faceless and Gory Blister albums also deserve to be mentioned.

edit: also, i'v only been listening to the new Cryptopsy for the past few days but it's slowly climbing up there with those albums.
By the way, tech death album of the year is, without question, Sophicide's "Perdition of the Sublime". End of story. Period.

I keep forgetting to check this band out. I used to listen to their ep in the MySpace days. It's good to see they finally got a full length album.