Albums currently kicking your ass

Wow haters everywhere. Their first album and silent circus are excellent. Misdirect just dragged on. That was their weakest album.
BTBAM are gay as fuck. The only thing good by them is the solo in "Selkies"

Moron. Using "gay" as an insult towards a band is dumb enough, but the fact your calling BTBAM gay makes you fucking retarded.

-13 Internet points for you.

Please enlighten us on how they are homosexual, i'm guessing your a "true" metalhead yes? And all music with melody and progression is gay?
Why weren't you aborted?

Listen you pathetic excuse for a human being, this is an INTERNET FUCKING FORUM, where stupid arguing is the whole fucking reason of its existence. If someone has a opinion I am entitled to respond to them in any way I like and to either say my opinion OR say his is fucking bullshit.

I went to school and graduated high school at 15 years old I know its spelled fucking YOU'RE, the fact that you morons have to reply as if I don't know that is fucking pointless.